Hi girls! We just got back from a super successful day, and I can happily say that two new CathInTheCity for MOO bags are on their way!! YAY! This time I’ll get my name in the product names, and my very own tag, which is so fun! This was my look for the day..
Skirt: Lindex // Jacket: H&M // Top: BikBok // Boots: Topshop // Bag: Alexander Wang
Picking colors for my new bags. So many pretty ones to choose from!
We picked up chevre salads from Osteklokken (my favorite lunch spot in Oslo) on our way home, it’s so good!
Now I have to start getting ready, which I think is going to be quite tricky. I’m definitely better than I was last week, but I still have such a bad cold with constant sneezing, coughing and watery eyes. There’s no makeup tool in the world that can cover that up, crap! I better get to it, I’ll share lots of pics from the launch party tomorrow♥
Beautiful pictures, love your outfit!
xx Su
Du er seriøst syk hele tiden du. Du må ha et fryktelig dårlig immunforsvar? Ser noen andre har spurt deg om det også, og da bare avfeier du det. Og ikke kom med den der at du har vært så fryktelig travel i det siste. Du gjør jo ikke en dritt annet enn å arrangere et moteshow (for typ 50 tilskuere?) og ha hjemmekontor i sofaen eller senga.
Så spennende:D
You look beautiful! I love your outfit.♥ And your own bags?! That is so amazing! I’m jealous haha :)
Å helledussen, her var det mye sinne :O håper du har det bra!
Thank you <3
Jaa :D
Thank you so much sweetie <3<3