Hi angels! I just got home from a lovely stay in Oslo, where I got so much done, and not to mention saw so many beloved beautiful faces. I love that I have a job that sometimes requires me to go to Oslo, as some of my best girlfriends live there. It’s so nice to be home though, after hectic days with not much sleep in both Stockholm and Oslo. The second I got home I changed into my softest sweats, put my hair in a bun, removed my makeup and started cuddling with Bella. She’s been to a doggy hair dresser while I was away, and now she’s groomed, beautiful and softer than a baby’s bottom! I can’t stop cuddling with her!
So anywho, Oslo snapshots. First of all, the weather was amazing! I finally got to see the amazing Opera building, which is really a huge, unique piece of art. I was stunned!
After Tuesday’s meetings it was all about bestie time with the girl closest to my heart; Tonje. I wish everyone could have a best friend like Tonje, she can’t be described with words.. Spending time with her gives me so much joy and happiness which lasts for weeks after the dreadful goodbyes.
We met up with another close friend of ours, Annette, for dinner, at a super cool Mexican restaurant at Grünerløkka. Enchiladas, wine, and endless girl talk.. Could it get any better?
Some shopping was of course mandatory. New sandals for summer; Check!
Tonje and I fell asleep to the most incredible view over Oslo. Our room at Clarion Royal Christiana was on the very top floor, and our private balcony covered almost half of the building. Talk about a panorama view!!
We laid awake almost all night having those conversations that you can only have with your very best friend.. After a few hours of sleep, when the alarm clock rang, we were both like…
No one does hotel breakfasts like Clarion! Yummy in my tummy..
Makeup addict, who?! Of course using my very own designed makeup bag, I love it!
This morning..
The bathroom was so beautiful! All glass and glittery tiles. I might, or might not, have smashed my face into the glass walls on one or more occasions..
Bar code – super cool buildings in Oslo..
More bestie time, this time with Ulrikke, who looked like a million dollars and then some..
Whenever we hang out, it’s all about food, preferably accompanied with dry white wine.. Yum!
We ended up with a Miami flashback; Pizza and wine. I think that was the only thing we ate in Miami, hah.
As you probably understand, it was a fabulous trip! All the meetings I had went great, there are so many fun things happening now!! But the only thing that’s happening tonight is me catching up on The Real Housewives of New York. By the way, do you like this kind of posts with lots of different pictures? Time flies so fast, and it’s not long until or California adventure starts, so it would be good to know if you like these posts. I hope you’ve all had a fantastic day♥
Where are your new sandals from? So cute
With A City Dream
I love when the posts are a little longer and with more of a story than just an outfit post. I love to study the photographs and read through the blog several times to capture it all (just the way I would read a magazine). Def. would love more of this when you’re in Cali.
Hei Cathrine! Jeg bare lurer på hvor det grå skjørtet på bildet er fra? Jeg er så glad i bloggen din og følger med hver dag. Bor i Bergen jeg også :D
They are from Zara :)
This is so nice to hear, I’m so glad you appreciate the blog posts :) Thank you for great feedback!
Det er fra Cubus :) Jeg kjøpte det egentlig bare som et underskjørt til en gjennomsiktig kjole, men syns det var ganske søtt. Så hyggelig å høre, takk for at du følger med :)
Love love love your blog where is the pretty white top from x
I love your grey skirt. Where did you get it? It looks great on you. :)
Hei! Lurte bare på hvilke type kamera du har brukt til å ta disse bildene her? :)
As always, simply perfect!!!
Love the outfit with the grey skirt!!!!
X o x o
WOW! Supermange freshe antrekk på en post! love it! skulle gjerne sett nærmere på det sorte antrekket. så supert ut :)
Synes slike innlegg er de gøyeste du lager :) Du er utrolig vakker, forresten. Det må du vite! Klem
Elsker bloggen din, Cathrine! Du gir meg så mye inspirasjon i hverdagen :) Hvor er den nydelige hvite blusen fra? Lekker!
Hvor spiste dere de pizzaene? Så yummiii ut:)
Hi Cath! Love the outfit with the grey skirt – you’re always so well put-together :) Just wondering where the white, lacey top is from?
Beautiful locations!
Visit my blog: http://glamfizz.blogspot.de
Oslo has some great spots :)
Thanks sweetie :) It’s from New Look, I found it at Asos but it’s sold out :/
Jeg fikk dessverre ikke med meg navnet på stedet, men det var rett bak Folketeateret :)
Tusen takk for fine ord :) Den er fra New Look, fant den på Asos men den er dessverre utsolgt :/
Tusen takk kjære deg <3 Klem
Takk søting! Vi tok antrekksbilder, de kommer i morgen tenker jeg :)
Jeg har brukt speilrefleksen min, Canon 5D Mark II, med to forskjellige linser. En vidvinkel, og en 50mm f 1.4 :)
Thanks, I got it at Cubus :)
Thanks sweetie! New Look :)
LOVE the post :)
You don’t need to have doubts about your creative posts – believe me, I think there is no person that can say “I don’t like it”. Why? Because your posts are always interesting, filled with a lot of wonderful pictures. Nowadays my and countries in the region pass through very difficult days. We pass through floods that make a very big damages on life of the ordinary people. Fortunately, region where I live is not affected by floods, but it is not easy to watch news and watch people which are affected with that catastrophe. And because of that I want to tell you that you make me feel relaxed while visiting your blog and you put smile on my face every time I read and see something new on it. I can’t wait to see photos from California, because trip like that is on my wish list! Sorry if I have burdened you with this that I wrote, I only wanted you to know how beautiful your posts are and that they put smile on someones face, even in difficult days! :)
Kisses dear Cath and wish you all the best! <3 And ofcourse – Oslo looks amazing! :)
Du har en fantastisk figur! Slank, men med former, feminin! Check out that bum! Haha! Du inspirerte meg til å gjøre noe selv etter at jeg så hvor fantastiske resultater du hadde oppnådd, og jammen klarte jeg å gå ned en god del kilogram!
Tusen takk for det søte deg! Så flink du er, men jeg er sikker på at du er vakker uansett hvor mange kilogram vekten viser :) Håper du vet det selv også! :)
Yay :)
Thank you for sharing dear Amelia! This comment brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been following the floods and catastrophes on the news, and it breaks my heart. To hear that my blog can put a smile on your face, with all the difficulties your country is going through, makes me smile from ear to ear!! You and your country have all my compassion and positive thoughts. Lots of love<3
Thank you dear, you’re sooo sweet! :* Lots of love to you, too :)
Jeg var på habanero og spiste enchiladas her om dagen- de har så god mat! :D Utrolig fine bilder, og ikke minst antrekk, håper du koste deg i fine Oslo :)
Jaa, helt utrolig deilig mat. Takk<3
Det kan se ut som Hell’s Kitchen. De har den beste pizza’en i Oslo! (Jeg kjenner igjen bordet og vinglassene hihi!)
that first pic is amazing, i love the colours (and as ever so stylish) http://thewanderlusthasgotme.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/food-glorious-food.html
Thank you :)
Yay :)
L-O-V-E-S IT !
Du er min favoritt-blogger #1 ! Humoren, selvironien og ærligeheten din er kanskje det som gjør at du er favoritt. Så ekte å jordnær. Det er sjeldent å finne på blogger, og som gjør at oss som lesere får en helt annen tilnærming.. Håper du hører det ofte, for det blir verdsatt mer enn du aner. I tillegg til fantastiske bilder, gode tips om interiør, mat, mote, skjønnhet ! Denne bloggen er unik. Den har bare blitt bedre og bedre ! Spesielt er jeg fan av bildene dine nå. Tar jeg rett om kvaliteten på bildene har oppgradert seg enormt det siste halvåret / året ? Du er virkelig dyktig Cathrine ! Jeg legger aldri igjen kommentarer på blogger, du er fortjent en god en.
Så stå på videre Cath – vi vil ikke gå glipp av ett øyeblikk :-)
Jeg elsker dette innlegget! Så utrolig fine bilder du tar :D På tide at jeg beveger meg vekk fra “auto”-funksjonen på mitt speilrefleks skjønner jeg :)
Det grå og hvite antrekket: wow, elsker det!
Digger stilen din! Hvor er den hvite kjolen fra?
Free People :)
Takk :)
Tusen takk :) Ja gud, det er en helt ny verden når man setter seg inn i manuelle innstillinger. Du kan se litt tips her hvis du vil :)
For en NYDELIG kommentar! Gud, nå ble jeg helt rørt. Nå gjorde du uken min her :) Tusen tusen takk <3 Utrolig gøy at du legger merke til bildekvaliteten også, da det er noe jeg er blitt veldig interessert i og jobbet med det siste året :)
Stor klem <3
Jeg liker iallfall veldig godt sånne innlegg :-) Var der på mucho mas dere hadde meksikansk mat?? Elsker det stedet <3
Nei, Habaneros tror jeg det het :)