Snapshots from yesterday
LA is definitely a city where you need a car. I was so shocked while walking around there, because we never met anyone on the sidewalks. Everyone are just driving around, parking right outside the store or restaurant their heading to, then walking the few steps in and out. We’ve had our fair share of time in the car too though. For my Norwegian readers, we have driven the equivalent of Bergen to Oslo ten times during our time here in the US! Yesterday was one of the most magical drives yet. 8 hours was spent in the car driving up the Gold Coast, with breathtaking views of the ocean, violent waves splashing up on the cliffs, and steep hills with gorgeous forest on the other side. If you’re ever driving from LA to San Fran, you absolutely need to take Highway 1 where you drive on the coast, even though it takes a little longer than the other options. It would be a crime to miss it! Now we’re off for even more driving. We’re in a small city called Montery, about two hours south of San Francisco. I’ve booked a ridiculously cool apartment for us on the top of a steep hill, with amazing views over San Fran. I can’t wait to see it! I hope you’re all enjoying the day sweeties <3
Vi reiser ganske likt altså:-) Jeg og min venninne har vært i en leilighet i Hollywood Hills den siste uka, og onsdag setter vi også kursen mot SF. Gleder oss (selv om det visstnok er mye kjøligere der?)!
Så morsomt! Håper dere koser dere. Ja, nå er vi to timer sør for SanFran da, men i går når vi kom var det bare 12 grader her, og det var en god stund før solnedgang. Så absolutt kjøligere!
Denne reisen ser så spennende ut, nå vil jeg selvfølgelig dra på road-trip til USA! Men hvor og hvordan finner du de fine leilighetene/husene dere har leid underveis? Klem
Det anbefales til tusen!! Vi fant de på, tenkte å lage et innlegg om det :)