Hi lovelies :) I hope you’re not fed up with my New York tips just yet.. I’m getting soo many emails, actually every single day, from readers who want tips for their own NY trips. Where to stay, where to go, what to do etc.. So this post is for you guys, who plan to go to the best city in the world some day :) Actually Amalie and I were talking last night, and we’re planning a trip in March hopefully! Hope everything works out, because I cannot WAIT to go back!!!
Where to book the flight:
I’ve booked all my flights through Finn.no/reise. Just add the dates you want to travel, and they’ll find the cheapest tickets for you. Be aware that the cheapest tickets often have really long travel time, some as much as 30 hours!! I would try to find trips that are no more than 14 hours.. Ideally around 10 or 11. Often it’s just a few hundred kroners up to find a shorter trip :) I also use Finn to book hotels.
Where to stay:
I’ve stayed at two hotels in the city; Park Central and Wellington. If you’ve never been to NY before I would really recommend a hotel in this area. Both hotels are located right between Central Park and Time’s Square. It’s such a luxury to be close to the park! Anything around 48th street and 58th street is good if you want this location. Preferably aroun 7th or 6th avenue. If I was to book a hotel now, I would look for something around 14th street. I’ve seen Time’s Square a million times, and it doesn’t appeal to me the same way it does to someone who hasn’t seen it before.. I find that the real NY is downtown, while the more touristy/commercial areas are Midtown (around Time’s Square). There aren’t many hotels around 14th street though, or, they’re really expencive, like The Standard Hotel. But I would definitely go for something downtown, but stay away from China town! My sister and her boyfriend lived there, and it was a nightmare.. We couldn’t find anything New York-ish in the area, not even a Snickers!! They stayed at Hotel 91, which I know is cheap and therefore tempting, but girls, stay away!
NY attractions I recommend:
My favorite NY attractions are free. I love walking over the Brooklyn Bridge, and going down to the park underneath (on the Brooklyn side). It’s magical!! Especially at night, the view is insane! If you want to see the Statue of Liberty, you should take the Staten Island Ferry, it’s free and goes right by the statue :) A trip through Central Park is also obligatory! It’s so pretty, it’s just magical. My boyfriend and I rented bikes and got to see so much of the park. The park is huge, so it will take hours and hours if you want to see everything by foot. Other than that, I really recommend visiting Rockefeller Center. Forget the Empire State Building, it’s super crowded and the lines can be so long. The Rockefeller Center has huge observation decks, and the view is just as pretty as from the Empire :)
Where to shop:
I definitely recommend Soho. Here you can find the perfect mix of high end and small boutiques with unique merchandise. A trip down 5th avenue is also obligatory, if not to shop, then just to see the amazing store windows and all the people. Start by the Apple store, which is an attraction in itself, and walk downwards. If you have your spending pants on, take a trip to Bergdorf Goodmans or Barney’s on Madison Avenue. I would also recommend a trip to Williamsburg during the weekend to check out the amazing flea markets and all the cool vintage stores. 34th street is also cool, here you can find Victoria’s Secret’s flagship store which is huge, as well as Macy’s (which I don’t really like, but it’s cool to have seen it).
Where to dine:
I would definitely go to the Meatpacking District and eat there. Like at the Standard Grill, Pastis etc. My favorite area in NY is the West Village, and they also have a lot of fabulous restaurants. Go to The Spotted Pig and have the grilled cheese sandwich with fries, and go to the Waverly Inn after for a glass of wine. I also love Delicatessen in Soho, which has the sickest fries ever!!!! You also simply have to visit Flavaboom at 21st street at 6th ave, they have the best frozen yoghurt ever!!
Other recommendations
Go to New Jersey and see the spectacular view over Manhattan. Go see a Broadway show, it’s so magical!! Definitely worth the money. Go to the ticket office at Time’s Square at 3pm (located under the red stairs, you can’t miss it), to get the tickets half off. I would also definitely recommend to go see a movie at one of the movie theathers on Time’s Square. Huge red velvet seats, and the small popcorn is equivalent to an XXL one in Norway. Love it!! I would also recommend to just walk around in the West Village an evening. It’s so pretty and relaxing, and there’s a good chance to spot a celeb or ten, as most of them live in this area of town.You should also check out Carrie’s aparment from SATC at 66 Perry Street, and try a cupcake from Magnolia bakery in the same area while you’re there :)
You can also find see more tips here, here and here, as well as just searching my blog for “NY tips” :)
If you have any questions, just shoot in the comment section :) And if you have more tips, bring them on! :)
håper virkelig jeg kommer meg til NY i løpet av utvekslingsåret mitt i statene! :D
Aaahh! Nå gleder jeg meg hvertfall til å dra tilbake til jul!! <3 NYC!
Bare ett spørsmål.. Hvordan kommer du deg rundt i NY? Tar du taxi, subway, buss? Jeg liker alltid å vite det beste framkomstmiddelet :) Det samme spørsmålet gjelder til/fra flyplassen..
Så mange gode tips! Gleder meg til den dagen jeg skal til New York :D
Ååååh, har så lyst til å dra dit! :D
Bare et tips når det gjelder Empire State Building. Da jeg var i NY i påsken kjøpte vi billett på forhånd og dro bort litt før de åpnet. Da stod vi ikke i kø i det hele tatt. Greit å vite, det er jo en opplevelse.
Er absolutt ikke lei NY innlegg, det er så utrolig greit å få tips og anbefalinger av noen som faktisk har vert der og opplevd alt sammen! Supert at du skriver disse!!
I know this is a VERY weird thing to say, but you’ve always been curvy and on the second bottom picture, it looks like you are as flat as a board?? Hm, but nice and lovely as ALWAYS! i love this blog.. you’re so down to earth and something I can relate to compared to the snobbish, stick-thin bloggers many have become!! <3
My body varies so much, it’s sick.. I can gain 5kg and loose 5kg so easily.. That picture is a year old, and I lost a lot of weight in the city as I was too busy to eat, haha.. Hence, the bum got smaller :) My stomach area has always been pretty flat :) Thank you so much!! <3 <3
Jeg har også bodd på hotel 91, og ikke å anbefale akkuratt! Bråkte noe sykt, lukter drit ekkelt utenfor, ikke lett å få tak i taxi, måtte gå i evigheter for å finne en restaurant osv..
Helt ærlig, tror jeg vi mistet mye tid vi kunne brukt på å se ting av å bo der. Litt synd:( Men må jo tilbake igjen!
Hvor er de forskjellige bildene tatt? :) Jeg skal til New York i Mars/April! Vi skal være på Hilton New York (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/NYCNHHH/photoGallery.do). Et bra område? :)
Takk for tips!
Tuuuuusen takk for tips, jeg blir så inspirert av deg! Håper virkelig du kommer deg til NY i mars da!! De innleggene fra NY som du har skrevet kan jeg lese om og om igjen :)
Takk Cathrine :-)
Her fikk jeg iallefall svaret på alt jeg har lurt på, og vell så det :D Gudd å gøy! hehe
Ååå, eg elsker det første bilde av deg! Det er liksom så sex and the city’is :)
Tack för bra inlägg söta du :)
yey! just what I needed :)
Så fine bilder av deg fra NY. Fikk inspirasjon for hva jeg kan gå med på byen i helgen av det øverste bildet , hehe. Tusen takk :-D
Så herlig! Takk for mange tips :-D
Jeg anbefaler virkelig Washington Square Hotel, kjempekoselig hotell like ved washington park i greenwich village!
Herlig innlegg! Tusen takk :D Skal mest sannsynlig til NYC igjen høsten 2012, og da kommer disse tipsene kjempe godt med :D
Jeg tror aldri jeg blir lei av dine NY tips :) Nå fikk jeg egentlig bare mer lyst til å dra dit!
Såå gøy :D
Takk for tips :) Perfekt location da :D
Hihi bare hyggelig :D
Så bra :D
Tusen takk :)
Så koselig :D Takk!!
Absolutt! :) Dette er rett bak der jeg bodde på hotell, så suupert for turister :) Klem
I knooow!! Skikkelig nedsig :/
Utrolig bra tips! Nå fikk jeg ENDA mer lyst til å dra til NY!!
Hva er prisene på de spisestedene du har listet opp? Og er det dyrt på delicatessen?
oog, har du noen tips om bra og god chinese takeout? og god indisk mat? :-)
Er sååå enig i at New Jersey siden er worth a shot! Nydelig utsikt og en helt annen vibe. Kan anbefale hotellet Hyatt Regency :)
Hei:) skal reise til NY om 3 uker og skal feire jul der:) Har du noen tips til en fin plass å spise på selve julaften?? Utrolig kjekk blogg:)
åh, nå må jeg bare få dratt snart.
Så kos :) Hmmm vanskelig.. Kanskje Tao eller Budda Khan? De er mer “kule” da, men jeg vet ikke helt.. :S
Dessverre, bestilte ikke noe indisk eller kinesisk :/ Bare sushi :D
Det er helt normalt på alle, sånn mellom 70 og 150 kr for en full middag tror jeg :) Delicatessen er ikke noe sånn særlig dyrt, en svær burger med fries kostet sånn 12-13 dollar tror jeg :) Klem
Tusen takk for at du delte dette! Utrolig mange gode tips – får sykt lyst til å reise selv :D Har ett lite spørsmål da;) Er bare 19 og lurte på hvordan mulighetene for å gå ut og eventuellt ta deg ett glass vin på en restaurant er? Siden aldersgrensen 21 tenker jeg :)
Må bare si at dette er favoritt bloggen :D
Bra tips, men en liten ting! Det stemmer at køene er lange osv. opp til Empire, men IKKE OM KVELDEN! De er oppe til 1 tror jeg, men det er det tydeligvis ikke så mange som tenker på! :D Var i hvertfall null kø da jeg var der for noen uker siden! :)
aww, så koselig med bilde av oss snuppa! :D
Where have you bought that amazing pink skirt??? :D
Hei! Utrolig fin blogg du har, leser den hver dag :) Jeg har nettopp vært i New York. Fant masse bra tips før reisen fra deg og på dinnewyorkreise.no. Synes det er så viktig å høre andre sine ærlige meninger om steder før jeg reiser, så fortsett med tips er du snill :)
Så koselig :D Håper du koste deg masse :)