Sneakpeek on yesterday’s look
Oh my God you guys! Guess what I’m doing today? I’m taking a class at Barry’s Bootcamp! I’m seriously so freakin’ nervous, and a tad excited at the same time. This is so far out of my comfort zone, and my shape is at an all-time low, so this will really be interesting. Chances are I’m gonna throw up, pee my pants and cry, all at the same time, but sometimes you just have to throw yourself into something new, even though it’s scary. Okay, I might be exaggerating just a bit. I’m not going to outer space, I’m taking a workout class, hah. I just hope I end up loving it so that I’ll keep going! I’m the laziest person I know, and I don’t do this to loose weight. My goal is simply to have more energy throughout the day, feel fresh and happy, and of course get a stronger body. It’s so embarrassing to gasp for air after climbing a set of stairs, and be exhausted after carrying the groceries from the car and to the kitchen. Barry’s Bootcamp is just a short walk from my school, so my goal is to go there after school 3-4 times a week. Kim Kardashian works out there (the one in LA that is), so it’s most certainly good enough for me!
Wish me luck guys, and have a great day♥
love the gold nails
Giveaway on my blog!
Iiiik, spennende! Lykke til! Og godt nytt år søta, lenge siden jeg har satt meg ned og lest blogger, men følger med på insta ;) Du er nydelig som alltid. Ønsker deg alt det beste i 2015!
Superfint antrekk :) veldig fint til deg
Hva heter neglelakken du har på her?
Beste ønsker for 2015 :)
Takk søte :) Det er Essie – Penny Talk :) Klem
Takk skjønning, så hyggelig ♥ I lige så! Klem
Thanks ♥
Så flink du er! Har hørt at det er vanvittig tøft. Klem
Herregud så fin du var på håret på disse bildene!
Takk søte ♥
Det var helt forferdelig :O Klem