Hi sweets :) I was supposed to take a day off today, all the stress from the past week suddenly hit me and I feel exhausted. But I’m never able to stay away from my blog, so here we go again! So you know how I’m staying 100% off sugar and alcohol? Last night at Amalie’s I was like ‘Okay, I’ll have one small piece of chocolate, that can’t hurt‘ and as soon as the chocolate was inhaled I was like ‘Allright, I’ve already cheated, wanna get wasted and finish off all this candy you have here?’. Haha, it ended up being a crazy night. What I really love about Amalie is that she’s up for anything without thinking twice. So there we were, all night in her couch, drinking wine and singing along to every song on Spotify, while I was wearing her son’s spiderman costume. He’s three, so it didn’t really fit, but hey, I looked pretty cool. That was so not the point with this post.. My point was; Have you guys checked out my lovely friend Annette‘s new online store yet? I absolutely love everything in the store, which is called Never Naked, a fab name. It looks and seems completely amazing and professional, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this store. My bet is that it’ll be the next big thing online store-wise, and I wish her and her team all the success in the world! They actually have this jacket which you’ve been asking me about, you can find it here.
Here are some other favorites from Never Naked
Check out the store here :)
Love the denim jackets!
Haha, kjenner meg godt igjen i det du beskriver! :) Annettes butikk virker veldig bra, den blir spennende å følge med på :)
får vi ikke bilde av deg i spiderman draka da? heheh :P
Syns butikken hennes virker så lovende! Wow!
nice facy and very skinny thighs. nice denim.
Der er så himla mykje kult :D Ho kjem til å gjer det stort!
Hahaha, venter i spenning på bildebevis :-D
Er på Instagram :p
Du, vet du tilfeldigvis hvor man kan få kjøpt den jakken i USA? Hvor kjøpte du din?
Nei det aner jeg ikke :) Jeg bestilte min fra minusey.com
Tusen takk Cathrine :) Jeg endte opp med å kjøpe en lignende fra Romwe.. http://www.romwe.com/strand-slim-thickened-coat-p-41920.html
Og så kjøpte jeg spikes på eBay så nå skal det do it yourself-es som bare det! :) Tenker å putte spikes øverst på ryggen på jakken eller på skuldrene eller noe..