Hi girls! Today I thought I’d share a different type of post than I usually do, and it seriously wasn’t as easy as I thought, haha. I thought describing my style from A to Z would be the easiest thing in the world, but you just have to excuse my lack of seriousness on some of the letters. Let me know if you guys like this, it would be fun to do another one! Maybe with more personal facts :) Enjoy♥
A • Available, in the sense that I love going for budget friendly pieces that everyone can afford, which is what I think is the most fun about sharing my outfits with you guys.
B • Basics. A huge must in my wardrobe! The most important basic to me is a skirt that works with everything, preferably enhancing my waist, and can be transformed from day to night by just changing the top.
C • Contrasts! My style is so very feminine, and I think it’s super important to balance it out with an edgy contrasts, like a leather jacket with a girly dress, leather boots with a lace dress, and so on.
D • Dresses, du-uh. Haha. This one doesn’t even need explaining, you guys already know how much I love ’em.
E • Elegance, in the lack of a better word. I’m not a big fan of plunging boobies everywhere, or showing half of my ass while walking down the street. I prefer to go the more elegant way.
F • Free People. As I’ve said before, several of my most beloved pieces of clothing come from Free People. I adore their lace dresses, boho style and gorgeous dresses. Also, the word feminine should be added into this mix.
G • GIRLY!! What else, haha.
H • Hair. To me, my hair is one of my most important accessories. Loose, wavy curls put the cherry on the sundae in my looks.
I • Inexpensive. Except for my two Chanel bags, almost everything in my wardrobe is inexpensive pieces that I love.
J • Jaw-droppingly-amazing! Haha, just kidding, this was harder than I thought.
K • Knits! I love knitted sweaters, especially when they’re loose and I can tuck them into my skirts.
L • Leather! I love my leather jacket so freakin’ much, it always saves my clothing crises. I also love leather boots, leather bags, leather skirts and leather leggings. And of course, lace also needs to be mentioned on this letter.
M • Maxi skirts! I absolutely adore wearing maxi skirts both for daytime and nighttime.
N • Nelly.com. I do so much of my shopping on this site!
O • Outfit shoots! Haha. My style is very well documented with outfit shoots. Furthermore, I couldn’t find another word that starts with the letter O.
P • Predictable! I’m not the first one to try out any crazy trend that’s thrown my way, but I don’t mind one bit. I love staying true to my own style.
Q • Qte. Haha.
R • Red lips. I love finishing off a black and white look with red hot lips.
S • Skirts! Like with dresses, this one is a given.
T • Tights. I wear my black tights all the time along with my dresses, as I’m sure you’ve noticed already, hah.
U • Underwear. I mean, I wear it every day, hah. When it comes to underwear, it’s white lace all the way, both on my bras and my panties!
V • Vagina. OMG why can’t I be serious?!
W • White, white, white! Half of my wardrobe consists of white pieces, nuff said.
X • Xtra girly. Oh my, this letter is impossible.
Y • Youthful?
Z • Z… Hmm… Zebra! I have a zebra patterned coat in my wardrobe, so that’s approved, right? Not the easiest letter!
♥ ♥ ♥
Really liked this post, such a fun idea! :)
Glad you liked it♡
Hhahaa, so much fun :) Really liked this post. The last ones are funny :D
Haha they were so difficult!♡
Great post! Love it!
Thanks sweetie <3
This article is perfection ❤ You are my favourite Scandinavian fashion blogger. I love your style, we have the same taste :) It’s great you buy so much from stores with items affordable for a normal 14-year old teenage girl like me. You seem so kind, sweet, honest, down to earth and real. Would you mind if I used this idea for my own blog. Of course all the credits are for you.
Thank you SO much sweetie♡ Your comment means so much to me! Of course love, can’t wait to read it♡
Such a great idea for a post! Loved reading it! I really love your style so I’m going to use this as a cheatsheet for when I go shopping next time haha xx
Glad you liked it sweetiepie♡
Åååh, jeg likte den bloggposten her :D slike ting burde du gjøre oftere! :) ♡
Glad for at du likte det <3
Other people said it – this post is amazing! Really like it <3
Thank you sweetie♡
Very original, loved this post! Especially “U-underwear”. I like that your the type of woman that remembers to wear this every day :-D
Haha, thank you sweetie♡♡
For et morsomt innlegg! Likte det kjempegodt:) digger at der plutselig kom “vagina” – did not see that coming, haha! Det er noe av det som gjør at du er en av favorittene mine; du er så søt og personlig i tillegg til at du har en fantastisk stil! Alltid en inspirasjon:)
Haha♡ Takk for kjempefin kommentar søte du♡
Haha, dette innlegget likte jeg! :) Kan du kanskje lage et innlegg en gang med linker/forslag til fine skjørt? Klarer aldri å finne noen perfekte selv, og det ser ut som du har god peiling på skjørt :)
Kjempegøy at du likte det! Gøy å prøve noe nytt :) Det skal jeg absolutt få til til uken♡ Klem
Ååh for et herlig innlegg, *save* ! <3 Stilen din er så perfekt og du er en så utrolig stor inspirasjon! Ha en suuper helg <3
Tusen hjertelig takk, for en fin kommentar♡♡
Hei! <3
Dette innlegget likte jeg kjempegodt! Det inspirerte meg så mye at jeg fikk lyst til å gjøre dette for meg selv, som en del av garderobedetoxen for sommeren! :)
Stor klem Malin <3
Hei Malin♡ Åå så hyggelig! Tusen takk for fin kommentar. Stor klem♡
Jeans er jo egentlig en given på J, men som meg liker du skjørt og kjoler bedre. På Z kunne jeg fort skrevet zombie, siden det beste i verden er å gå pysj og ullsokker hjemme;)
Haha det er sant! Men ikke for meg, går så sjelden med det :)