Good morning girls♥ I’ve posted a lot of low carb recipes when it comes to dinner, so today I thought I’d show you my absolute favorite snack to make. I make it almost every day, it’s so yummy and I never get tired of it. Before bed my boyfriend and I always watch an episode or two of a tv show (right now we’re watching House of Cards, so good!), and he’ll sit there with his popcorn and I always make this. That way it doesn’t sting so bad to watch him eat all those goodies I miss, haha.
So basically it’s just melted cheese. I absolutely love cheese, I eat it all day. After a little round in the oven the cheese is like chips. Usually I’ll just eat them like that, but there are so many variations you can do. Lately I’ve started putting ham on, that’s really good too. When we have tacos for dinner, I always make these and use them as taco shells. You can use them as crisp breads and put lots of good things on them, or like I did last night; With guacamole. They’re also heavenly to dip in sour cream and salsa sauce.
I’ve tried lots of different cheeses for this, and the one that without a doubt turns out the best is just regular Norvegia with parmesan on top. Simply fold a slice of cheese in two and drizzle parmesan over, pop it in the oven at 250 degrees for about 5-10 minutes and it’s done. It’s very important to check them often, they go from just perfect to burnt in like a minute.
This is sooo good!
Usually I make my guacamole with chopped onions, garlic, tomatoes and chili, but I was so hungry when I made this so I just added lots of garlic salt, pepper and lemon juice. Still really good.
When I say I’m addicted to cheese, it’s no understatement. I thought I’d show you two other snacks I love, and no surprise; they’re both cheese as well. These mini Babybells are always in my fridge, they’re so good and such an easy snack to grab. Lately I’ve become completely addicted to these snack packs of feta cheese as well.
A lot of cheese talk, haha, but you should seriously try this. In fact, I’m gonna make it again right now. Have a lovely day you guys♥
Prøvd med Kavli sin jalapeno-ost? Sååååå godt! :-) Jeg har de i mikroen. Svosj ferdig på null kom svisj :)
Haha, I’m exactly the same! I think if it wasn’t for all the cheese
I would struggle to live low carb :)
Haha I knoow, I’m exactly the same :)
Jeg har bare prøvd den i ovnen, ble ikke særlig bra :/ Men skal prøve i mikro også :)
Ost til folket! Noe av det beste på jord :D Har også en rekke oster i kjøleskapet til enhver tid, og lager stadig vekk ostechips selv. Aldri prøvd med guacamole til da, det skal helt klart testes ut. Dette likte jeg :D
Helt enig!! Det er supergodt med guacamole til, for ikke å snakke om salsa og rømme :)
Nammmmi, takk for tips, nå ligger de i magen min. Hehe :)
Det så veldig godt ut:) Jeg lurer på å starte på lavkarbo, men synes det er vanskelig å finne ut hvor mye man skal/kan spise o.l. Kunne du laget et innlegg med hva du spiser i løpet av en dag (trenger ikke skrive eksakt mengde selvfølgelig), eventuelt en ukesmeny for å komme i gang?:)
Hihi så bra :D
Jeg vil heller anbefale deg å lese deg opp om temaet i bøker, jeg syns det er veldig viktig før man gjør en så drastisk endring i kostholdet. Jeg tror ikke jeg vil legge ut en slik matplan, jeg vil ikke påvirke jenter til å spise sånn eller sånn, det må de finne ut av helt selv hvis du skjønner :) Så jeg tror dessverre jeg bare holder meg til oppskrifter i ny og ne :/ Klem
Couldn’t you write a post on why you choose to eat LCHF? I’m curious & a lot of Norwegian bloggers seem to do that?
Det så knallgodt ut ;-) Jeg husker jeg spiste mye ost da jeg begynte på lchf, men så plutselig begynte jeg å reagere skikkelig på melkeprodukter, SÅ kjipt. Haha. En vakker dag skal jeg spise ost igjen ;-)