Hi lovelies! Hope you’ve all had a great day! Mine started out rough.. So I was sleeping, and my sister called. I thought it was the alarm, so I turned it off.. The next second the door bell rings, and I rush out in my bra and panties to open for what I assume is my sister.. I open the door, and I see a man!! I screamed “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!? DON’T LOOK AT ME!!!!!” and slammed the door in his face, haha. I was so shocked! Since I live in a house in the garden behind my parents house, no one ever rings the door bell unless it’s family or friends.. The poor man said through the door “Uhm, I just delivering a package, do you want it?”, so I threw on
Haha, s
Er det mulig. Hvordan kan du snakke s
Jeg var sjokkert n
Haha!!! jeg ler litt n
du er s
Haha, s
Ville bare si at bildene av deg i streetstyle ble helt fantastiske. Skj
Tusen hjertelig takk for det <3 Utrolig koselig
Haha, d
HAHA! Ler meg ihjel snart!;D Huff, det m
Imagine being the delivery-guy…. I think people will find their packages lying in front of the door from now on. He might just ring the doorbell quickly, throw the package and run. Never mind the signing anything.. just get the hell out :D
Aw.. :) :)
So pretty outfit!!
Jeg m
Haha! Flaut, men utrolig morsomt i etterkant! Jeg lurte p
Hehhe, m
Haha uff :) Jeg streamer det p
Tusen hjertelig takk for nydelig kommentar <3
utrolig fint skj
Hei :) det virker som du alltid g
Heihei :) Kjempefint med tilbakemeldinger! Skal ta det til etteretning :) Stor klem <3
Heheee! :DD
Nydelig bilde!
Jeg er s
Haha, flaut for deg, men morsom historie da! :D
Jeg var i NY forrige uke, og ville bare si tusen takk for utrolig mange bra tips! Jeg var p
Hahahahaha, thats such a funny story:-)
I love your outfit in this post as well, so feminine and lovely!
take care
Hahaha! Synes jeg ser det for meg! =) Artig opplevelse da! Litt s
Hey Cath !
I love this skirt, and i’m about to order it on asos, but i was wondering, what size did you take ? And is it hard to find colours which fits with the wine colour, on top ?
I’m sorry for the writing, i’m french so it’s not naturel for us to speak english :p
For once i let you a comment, so i use it to tell you that i really like your blog, i check it everyday (and sometimes twice a day aha), i also love how you made your new appartment absolutely beautiful ! Your an inspiration :)
Have a nice day !