Hi loves, and happy Monday! Last night we finally handed in our big exam paper, and it felt so good!! I wasn’t able to enjoy it too much though, as I’m such a perfectionist and just feel that it could’ve been better. But whatever, it’s done, and I never have to think about it again, yay! All day yesterday went to sitting in front of the computer doing the final touches..
Glasses: Karl Lagerfeld/Specsavers (sponsored)
I just noticed that I look so different with my hair parted at the side, hah. So anywho, this morning I just really needed some time off the computer after spending way too many hours in front of it the last weeks. When I hopped out of bed I put on xmas music in the whole house, organized my closet and now I’m doing tons of laundry while dancing to ‘Jinglebells’ and having lots of coffee. Cosy!
Now I just got in from playing in the snow with Bella, and it’s time for a little skin care session before the rest of the day will go to all the accounting work that has been piling up during my exam period. It should’ve been done a month ago, I hate being late! So it just needs to get done today, even though it’s the most boring thing I know.
Fun life nowadays, right? School and accounting work, bah! I’m so freakin’ excited for next Monday when I can officially celebrate the holidays, just one more exam to go. Thanks for sticking by me in this incredibly boring time period, hah. You’re the best♥
you and your posts are NEVER boring, just keep that in mind ;)
all the best with your last exam and enjoy your holidays!
Ooh so pretty pictures! Unfortunately we don’t have any snow where I live, but I’m hope we will have some soon :)
I can only relate to what Birgit said. Your posts are always a huge pleasure to read :) I think, one of the best things with your blog is that you don’t try too hard to have the fanciest content ever. But instead you’re super authentic and still a huge inspiration. Congratulations on your exam. You can be so proud of yourself! I have no clue how you manage all this stuff with daily blogging, business trips and school life. I’m a university student and work once a week and I already feel busy as hell haha
whoho :D Jeg må si jeg virkelig er imponert over at du altid klarer å levere så gode blogginnlegg selv når du har eksamensperiode! Jeg vet hvor mye tid og energi det tar! Stå på og lykke til :D
Tusen takk for det! Det er litt stress, men elsker å blogge så det blir en fin avveksling fra lesingen :)
Thank you so much sweetie! It means so much for me to hear <3
Thank you :) The snow here is about to rain away, bah :(
Thank you so much lovely <3 <3
wonderful photos and thanks a lot for these great photography tips from one of your latest articles.they are so useful