Hi pretties! I thought I’d share my absolute favorite new products on the makeup front with you guys. My sweet friend Lene was raving about this new foundation she had tried while we were in Sweden a while back, and I didn’t get it myself until last week. I have to say, the Double Wear series from Estée Lauder is freakin ah-mazing!! This foundation has exceptionally well coverage, and the makeup lasts all day. Even those moments when I feel sweaty and I think my skin has become shiny, it’s still just as matte as when I first put it on. The concealer is also ridiculously good, that one has actually been a favorite for quite some time. If you want products that give great coverage and last all day – you simply have to try these!
Other than that, I’ve spent the evening working on some blog stuff. I made a new header all by myself, which is really not one of my strong-suits, but it had to be done. The one I have now was just supposed to be there for a couple of days, and suddenly it’s been there for months. I think the new one I made turned out really cute, hopefully it’ll be changed tomorrow. In the near future my blog will also get a cleaner design, which I’m sooo excited for!! I hope you guys will love it. Oh, and I’ve finally made an ‘About me’ page as well as a contact page. I hate it when I find new blogs and they don’t have any page where I can learn more about who they are, so it was about time that I got one myself too. You can find it in the sidebar to the right –>.
I hope you’ve all had a great day♥
åh, hørtes bra ut :) !
De er såå bra :)
Hvilken farge har du på foundationen? :)
Har foundationen selv og elsker den:)!! Sitter som støpt, selv etter timesvis med dansing!
Funkar den foundationen också till torr hy? :)
Ja, jeg har ganske tørr hud selv og syns den fungerer kjempebra :)
Jeg vet, den er så bra!!
Må ha en ny foundation snart. Vet ikke om jeg skal ta den jeg har brukt før, prøve en ny eller prøve sånn BB-cream som noen foretrekker.. :)
Ellers syns jeg headeren du har nå var utrolig fin! Da innlegget kom opp, var “wow” det første jeg tenkte. :) Vet ikke om den har blitt byttet siden du skrev dette, men…
Tusen hjertelig takk, så hyggelig å høre :D Det er vanskelig å navigere seg gjennom jungelen av alle produktene som finnes, så skjønner deg godt! Men denne anbefales ihvertfall av meg :)