Hi babes! The first Monday of 2014 is here, which is the day that my New Years Resolutions kick in with full effect. A lot of people think resolutions are ridiculous, but I’m a huge fan! A completely new beginning, a total clean slate, a whole new year which you can shape just the way you want..
“This is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one”
I won’t bore you with my whole list of resolutions, but I have one important one, which I hope more of you will share with me. Put down the phone!! It’s so crazy how addicted we are to our phones these days. On Saturday for our little tapas night I actually collected everyone’s phones and put them in a bowl by the door, because we were all Instagramming, snapchatting and texting way too much (myself included). We forget to live in the moment, because we’re so obsessed with sharing everything with everyone. Being busy on your phone when there’s so many other things and people to enjoy is so stupid! And also super annoying for the people around you. I bet I’m not the only one who have tried to have a conversation with a person whose face is locked to her phone, right? It’s ridiculous. This video illustrates my point so well, it’s about a girl who forgot her phone, and her day.. A must watch!
So what do you say girls? Are you with me? Of course we’re not gonna throw away our phones and never use them again, but use them for the most important stuff, then put them away. The little bowl by the door with phones in them is something I’m going to keep doing, even though it wasn’t very popular, haha. Another one of my resolutions is, like everyone else, to work out more. Today I have my first session with my personal trainer after Christmas, and she’s also made a fantastic workout program for me which I’ll do this year. I’m so excited to get going with it!
What is your best New Years resolution?♥
Frida says
Hei :-)) kan du dele treningsprogrammet ditt med oss?
Emily says
Helt enig! Jeg og elsker nyttårs resolutions og elsker å gjøre meg selv bedre på en måte! Det er det beste!
Pinja says
I’m definitely with you in this less phone -thing! I’m even annoying myself because I’m ALWAYS doing something with my phone. It’s going to be difficult but I’m determined! :D
Elise says
I like the idea with no phones during girls night, think I’m gonna copy that! ;)
krist.in says
Jeg skal også bli flinkere til å legge vekk telefonen! Det er jo såå usosialt å sjekke facebook og vg hele tiden, og som regel har det ikke skjedd noe en gang, vi bare trykker for å trykke fordi vi er så vant til det !
Birgit says
I just love your idea. I have just been to New York with my best friend and I was so pissed because the first thing she did when we entered a shop or a restaurant was checking if they have wireless and texting with a million other friends and I was just like .. what the hell are you doing here .. we are in New York – the most exciting city in the wholw world and you are here with me – with your best friend – so stop texting to everyone else!!!
I am addicted to my phone as well but when I am on holidays or when I am with my best friends or boyfriend I always try to put my phone away. I do not need do be online during my vacation 24/7.
So keep going with your bowle next to the door.
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg skal høre med PT’en min om det er greit, hun har jo brukt masse tid på å lage det til meg :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jaa :)
cathrineheienberg says
I knoow, me too, haha. Let’s do it!
cathrineheienberg says
You should :) :)
cathrineheienberg says
Haha veet!
cathrineheienberg says
That’s crazy, but unfortunately that’s just the world we live in right now :S Let’s try to change it! I hope you had a fantastic time in NY :)
Birgit says
I had an amazing time in New York thanks to your tipps :)
cathrineheienberg says
Yay, I’m glad :)
Nora says
Soooo true!