18, October 2012 | 17:00Like Diamonds In The Sky 13 Comments | Fashion My new favorite earrings! Oh, so pretty.. From Asos
Linn says 18, October 2012 | 19:49 at 19:49 Åh de var heeeelt fantastiske! *Inn og bestille med en gang* Tusen takk for tips, og kjempegod tur til New York! :) Log in to Reply
Janine says 18, October 2012 | 22:27 at 22:27 Wow, love these, do you have a link so I can treat myself to them? Log in to Reply
Elisabeth A. says 19, October 2012 | 09:33 at 09:33 De var utrolig fine! Elsker sånne:-) Log in to Reply
silje says 19, October 2012 | 09:59 at 09:59 åå de var fine! er det nikkel? hvis ikke tror jeg nesten jeg må skaffe meg de til jul! Log in to Reply
Helena Greve says 20, October 2012 | 19:17 at 19:17 Cath??? Would you pair these earrings this blue dress? http://ulrikkelund.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/kjole.jpg The blue dress is going to be my galla-dress I need your help! Log in to Reply
cathrineheienberg says 20, October 2012 | 20:01 at 20:01 I’m not really sure, maybe it would be too matchy matchy? The earrings are such a statement piece, and so is the dress, so I might think it would be too much. When wearing this dress I would probably keep the accessories nice and simple :) Log in to Reply
Anja says
They are AMAZIIIING <3
Tina says
Åh, nydelige! VIL HA :)
Linn says
Åh de var heeeelt fantastiske! *Inn og bestille med en gang*
Tusen takk for tips, og kjempegod tur til New York! :)
MaritBE says
De var lekre ja<3
Janine says
Wow, love these, do you have a link so I can treat myself to them?
Nina-Martine says
Utrolig fine!
kristin says
åh, de var nydelige !
Ragnhild :) says
Åh, dritfine! Akkurat min smak :D
therese kristina says
Nyyydelig :)
Elisabeth A. says
De var utrolig fine! Elsker sånne:-)
silje says
åå de var fine! er det nikkel? hvis ikke tror jeg nesten jeg må skaffe meg de til jul!
Helena Greve says
Would you pair these earrings this blue dress?
The blue dress is going to be my galla-dress
I need your help!
cathrineheienberg says
I’m not really sure, maybe it would be too matchy matchy? The earrings are such a statement piece, and so is the dress, so I might think it would be too much. When wearing this dress I would probably keep the accessories nice and simple :)