..new shopping column out! If you live in Bergen, be sure to pick up BA and you’ll find my column :)
Haha, I’m such a smily face. I’ve practiced posing without smiling from ear to ear in the mirror, but it just doesn’t work. Sorry for the bad pics by the way, Ulrikke was so stressed out as her camera broke on her way to Copenhagen. She came just as I was leaving, but we had time to meet up for five minutes and I lent her mine. A fashion blogger with no camera during fashion week simply doesn’t work. Right now I’m about to catch up on 90210, Kourtney and Kim take Miami and Project Runway, I have so many episodes that have yet to be seen. Fun! Have a fab evening girls♥
Hi, Sweetie! by any chance can we get a tutorial of you haircut? My hair is just soooo long right now and you haircut seem like a good one for using both straight hair and curly…
stor klem fra Brasil! :)
Hi :) I’m not quite sure what you mean with tutorial of my haircut? I have shorter “bangs” in the front, which go just under my chin, then the rest is just long :S This probably didn’t help haha, sorry!
Hvilken nettside bruker du på å se Kourtney and Kim take Miami?:-)
Where do you watch KAKTM? Do you download or watch online? Have been looking for it for days but can’t find any page worth using time on!
Herlig, kos deg! :)
Hej Hej :-)
Maybe a lot have asked you this question, but is there any chance that I can see and read your column any other places now that I am from Denmark?
Ha’ en dejlig aften,
Hei, elsker bloggen din:) Jeg lurte på hvor du ser på kourtney and Kim take Miami? Jeg har sjekket på flere sider på Internett men det er ingen av dem som har serien enda:( Hvilken nettside bruker du? Klem fra Siri
Hei og takk for det :) Jeg laster det ned jeg. Klem
Yes, you can find it at http://www.ba.no, but this new one isn’t out yet :/
I download :)
Jeg laster ned :)
Er det mulig at dere skriver hvilken butikk de ulike plaggene er kjøpt? Husker du hvor du fant kjolen fra Tiger of Sweden? Nydelig!
Kjolen på det nederste bildet, hvor er den fra? Klarer ikke å se hva det står :-)
Tiger :)
Nelly.com :)
Hei, skrev ikke du en for menn og? Sett på siden som står at converse skoene kommer fra, og bare lurte på om det kommer toll i tilleg når en kjøper converse der? Og har du bestilt der fra før?
Nei jeg skriver ikke den for menn :/ Klem
actually, it does! I have almost the same haircut, but I don’t have enough volume… boring hair… :/
Thanks anyways! :)
A little volume definitely makes this easier to pull off. Have you tried the volume powder from Osis? I use it when I’m in serious need of volume. It’s sticky, but works! :)