Hi lovebugs. I think I’ve written the phrase “I’ve had the best day” several times already this week, but seriously, I had the best day yesterday as well, haha. Ivan and I hung out, had a yummy dinner and dessert, went to the movies and saw Batman, then all of a sudden we found ourselves at a party on an island an hour drive from home. Here’s le outfit;
Dress: Here (adlink), Bag: Allsaints Spitalfields, Boots: Asos
The ridiculously yummy taco salad I made for us last night. Heart salad, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, kidney beans, onions, corn, shredded Jarslberg cheese, crushed cheese flavored tortilla chips and taco marinated chicken bites served with sour cream and taco sauce. Yum-o!
From the party at Syltøy, where beer was being retreived from the ocean with the help of this weird thingy.. Hilarious!
Now I have to get going agan, Ivan and I are headed to watch his brother play a soccer match, then I’m going out with Amalie tonight. A pretty good day! Have a fabulous day sweet readers♥
Haha det høres jo supert ut!
Det er alltid de kveldene som ik er planlagt som er best:-))
That taco-salad-thingy looks so yummy!! ;)
På den øyen var jeg også i går. Men det er i dag det er fest der, med havfestival.
nydelig outfit, cath! Hvilken størrelse er kjolen din i? :-)
Small :) Takk :)
Utrolig fin kjole!! men linken til siden du kjøpte kjolen fra fungerer ikke… null sjans for meg å få tak i den samme :( hehe
Hmm funker på min, bare søk på one teaspoon på nelly.com :) Klem