..was so much fun!! i had a couple of glasses of wine too much, but that’s just fun. We didn’t go out with the others as I’m still a little anxious to do so.. Especially with all the sick things that are happening in Oslo every weekend! We of course had to try the kebab at Bislett Kebab for the obligatory night food, and right after we left this happened.. Crazy!!! Anyways, a great night!!! :)
This is the only outfit picture I have.. Hah.
We went to my friend Cynthia’s apartment at Frogner which she shares with some other sweet girls. And the cutest dog!!
Hope you all had a great night! I woke up with stars painted all over my face with an eyeliner in a room that won’t stop spinning around me..
Brynene dine ser S
Oj, femte drapssaken p
Herregud, bra du ikke var der da det skjedde! Tror vi snakker serial killer i Oslo n
Takk skj
Uff :( Sykt… Det er et skj
Tusen takk :D Det er ikke s
Hei! Vet du om det g
Hei :) Jeg aner dessvere ikke :( Jeg bruker selvbruning ja, bare s
Hei! Du ser som alltid nydelig og fresh ut! Bruker du fremdeles crazy angel midnight kiss som selvbruner? Og er du fremdeles like forn
kompisen min som ble drept:'( kjent han og han andre p
Tar du bildene dine med g12 i auto eller manuelle innstillinger?:)
Du er s
Hei! Kan du fortelle noe om hvordan du f