Hi sweets! I’m so hungover today, I’ve just been laying in bed trying to avoid being reminded of what last night’s night food was, if you know what I’m saying… By the smell of my morning breath, I think it’s safe to assume that it was kebabs.. Last night was so much fun though, so fun to see everyone! As usual I ended up being the most drunk person there, but hey, YOLO!
My friend Eirik (the tall guy) is single and up for grabs by the way, who wants his number??
daamn.. i wish i lived in Norway! i’d get him for myself! haha :-)
Fun fun fun photos!! :)
p.s. is that a dress or a skirt,? very pretty, colours as well…
Han var kjempekjekk :D Han er nok ikke singel lenge, synd jeg er så “mannehater” for tida ;)
It’s a dress, from Urban Outfitters :)
lookes like you had a lot of fun. i love to read your blog, you seem like a totaly down to earth kind of girl. and a huge plus is that its in english. your style is a true inspiration.
P.S. i would love to have his number ;) but im in switzerland at home, wished we would have some handsome men like him :D
Thanks sweetie :*
I do! Hehe. Need a friend when I’m moving to Bergen after this summer :-D
Maybe I could move in Norway. Yummyyyy
så bra dere hadde det gøy :D
You’re the first person that I have seen that used YOLO on their blog post :D Cute dress btw
I feel like I’ve seen that tall guy before. Maybe at SiB? I would love to get his number!
Jeeeez, you know some really hot guys!
Haha I read tumblr every now and then…and just came over this picture of your on a weight loss tumblr:
he is so HANDSOME!!!!! ;-)
JEG. Herregud, så kjekk!:-D hehe
I deserve it :P lol
since i’m tall too….1.83 :)))
cute pics anyway :))
Han var kjekk! Typ, virkelig kjekk ;-p Synes du kan vise flere bilder av ham, og mer enn gjerne gi meg nummeret… Fnis ;)
But hey – YALO!!!
hehe gi meg :P
Is he moving to Copenhagen :p ’cause in that case, I’ll be more than happy to have his number :-D
By the way – you look pretty as always!
kan godt få nummeret jaa :DDDD
Spørsmålet blir vel om han vil ta en flytur ned til Oslo og gå på date med meg? Det hadde jo vært passe kult. Jeg GARANTERER at han ikke vil angre ;)
Du er så søt, Cathrine, verdens nydeligste ansikt (det formelig lyser godhet), og verdens beste innstilling til livet og dem rundt deg! Fortsett sånn!