Las Vegas.. Where do I begin? It’s such a weird city to be honest, the whole concept is just so funny to me. A small city right in the middle of the desert, where millions come to spend money on gambling and of course party their brains out. Everything is huge and extravagant, with crazy details and gorgeous facades. Las Vegas Strip is the main street, which is actually over 10km long. Speakers are hidden in the bushes on the sidewalks, so wherever you go, you can count on some music to accompany you. We walked around the strip yesterday morning in the blistering heat, watched thousands of people gamble, lots of hungover bachelorette groups, and of course a lot of them were already drunk again. I don’t think I would spend too many days here, but it’s definitely lots of fun to just people watch, and of course check out the massive hotels and casinos.
Everything from Paris and New York to Egypt is represented on the strip. We’re talking real sized Eiffel tower, Empire State Building, Chrysler building and pyramids.
Oh hello there, tourist! I felt like such a tourist when walking around with my huge camera. Normally I like to try to blend in with the ‘natives’ a bit, haha. But the strip consists mostly just of tourists anyway, so I figured it was fine.. All I was missing was a fannypack to complete the look!
Inside Caesars Palace..
Cheescake Factory for lunch, yum!
The strip is filled with every luxury fashion house you can imagine. For me, good shopping isn’t exactly looking at stuff that is way out of my price range, so we headed to the South Premium Outlet in the afternoon. I didn’t find anything, but my boyfriend found loads. The selection for men was great, especially for basics like Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein tees and shirts.
For dinner we headed back to Caesars Palace, as my bestie Ivan recommended us the restaurant Bacchanal which is located inside the huge casino. It’s a buffet with over 500 different courses, and needless to say, we almost had to roll out of there when we were done. The food was insanely good, so I definitely recommend a visit there if you’re ever in Las Vegas! We enjoyed sushi, pizza, burgers, seafood, different meat and salads. I’m still full from that dinner. I’ve started to grow a baby bump from all the food I’ve been eating here, so I think I need to take it down a notch from now on, haha.
The dessert buffet was just as incredible as the dinner buffet, and I made room for a few chocolate covered strawberries before I had to throw in the towel. To be honest, I don’t like macrons, I just added them to take a cute Instagram pic, haha.
While you’re reading this we’re on the road on our way to our new destination, see you when we get there♥
Ingrid says
Hva?! Hvordan kan du ikke like makroner?
Pinja says
Vegas seems nice, it’d be fun to visit there at some point in my life :)
Amelia says
Wow Cath, how wonderful these pictures are. You are really master for photos, without any magnify in my words! I agree with all you’ve wrote, but it is nice to visit town like LV, because it is unique. Is is expencive? Did you gamble? :) Did you won something? haha. I have never been in casino, so I’m wondering is it like on the movies (ladies in elegant dresses with glasses of whisky in their arms, gentlemen with cuban cigars and big golden watches…)? haha
Hege A says
Herregud, crazy city asså. MEN – det bør vel testes ut en eller annen gang :))
Kristine says
“Real size” Eiffel Tower? You need to take a trip to Paris! And I wouldn’t call Vegas a small city with its population of almost two million ;) Enjoy your vacation!!
Maria says
Hei Cathrine! Hvor er den mønstrede kjolen fra? Den var kjempesøt! :-) Ha en fortsatt fin ferie!
gina says
love your pics, so glad you’re having fun in my fave place :)
Ida says
Elsker virkelig bloggen din, du tar så fine bilder og elsker at du skriver på engelsk!
Kos deg masse videre i USA, ser ut som du har en fin tur:)
Anna Killi says
Hei! Åh, jeg som pleide å lese bloggen din dag ut og inn. Jeg flyttet til USA i august i fjor (som utvekslingselev) og har vel egentlig bare hatt det for travelt til å lese blogger. Satt meg ned i kveld og tenkte at NÅ skal jeg jammen oppdatere meg på hva favorittbloggerne mine holder på med, også ser jeg jammen at du er i Las Vegas. SÅ GØY! For jeg er nemlig en snau halvtime unna i Boulder City, og vandret rundt på Ceasars Palace senest i går. Skulle så inderlig ønske at jeg hadde dumpet innom deg, men det er vel for sent nå. Anyways, det var bare litt tilfeldig og morsom at du skulle befinne deg her i det øyeblikket jeg oppdaterte meg på bloggfronten. Og nå vet jeg at du er både godt bereist og sikkert bedre oppdatert på mat og morro i USA enn meg, men om jeg får lov til å komme med noen tips så vil jeg anbefale Frozen Hot Chocolate på Serendipity (like utenfor Caesars om du går ut mot Las Vegas Boulevard/The Strip), pizza med Bacon hos Grimaldi’s og Shrimp et-eller-annet hvor du får fire forskjellige slag med reker hos Bubba Gumps. Det kan godt være at du har prøvd alt dette før, hvis ikke bør dere prøve å få presset det inn i skjemaet. Håper dere nyter resten av oppholdet! Og god sommer videre :-)
Randomjenta says
It looks so cool! Elsker bildene :D Er det kjempevarmt der nå eller? Sist jeg besøkte Vegas var i begynnelsen av juli for noen år siden, og vi holdt på å smelte utendørs. Kunne virkelig ikke gå ute, måtte ta rulletrappene som er overalt og kjøre bil, haha! Det var litt crazy.
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk, så utrolig hyggelig å høre :)
cathrineheienberg says
Heihei :) Nei gud, så morsomt!! Haha. Gøy at du tittet innom igjen :) Vi kjørte gjennom Boulder City i går, nå er vi i Williams. Men vi skal tilbake til Las Vegas på fredag, kanskje vi dumper borti hverandre da :) Tusen takk for tips, de skal definitivt følges! Det er jo så utrolig mye å velge i i Las Vegas, så gøy med litt anbefalinger :) Ha en kjempefin sommer du også! Klem