After three plane rides, one flight delay and an hour long bus ride, we finally arrived in the magnificent La Gacilly! It’s more magical here than I ever hoped to expect. I actually wished the bus ride from the airport would be longer, all the amazing nature be drove by mesmerized me completely. I had of course gotten not even a minute sleep before heading to the airport at 5am. I was awake all night cuddling with my darling little Bella who has been sick for too long now, mama’s worried!! Luckily she’s been to the vet now, so hopefully she’ll be as good as new by the time I’m home. It was a group of exhausted girls who arrived at La Grée des Landes Eco-Hotel Yves Rocher last night, but once I got a glass of wine in hand and saw this amazing view over the incredibly nature, my body was filled with energy.
A little french village, not the worst place to enjoy lovely white wine!
We were supposed to get a full tour of the property yesterday, but as our flight got delayed we just skipped right to the wine on the terrace.. Hopefully we’ll have time for a tour today, it’s so pretty here!
We’re a group of bloggers from Norway, Sweden and Finland, and everyone got their own fabulous room. The windows are floor to ceiling, which means that so much light comes in and the view is just nature as long as I can see. Love it!!
Dinner time with this awesome group of women..
The appetizer before the real appetizer was relish which we could dip in butter and seasalt. This was soooo good! I’m definitely making this when I come home.
Pretty girlies..
We got an incredibly good three course dinner, doesn’t it look yummy?
It’s not often that I’m the first one to throw in the towel, but after dinner I was completely beat. The other ladies stayed up and had champagne, which I normally wouldn’t miss for the world, but a shower and the bed was screaming my name. Today I’m much more rested, which is good as we have a full day of sightseeing, spa and other fun stuff ahead of us. Wishing everyone a great day♥♥
Hei:) Du er så utrolig vakker og har et så utrolig vakkert hår. Jeg bare lurte på om hva hårfargen din heter? Fargekoden? Skal stripe meg til helgen, men finner aldri en fin sommerfarge, har blondt hår selv, men det er desverre mørkblondt/kommunegrått :(
hvor er kjolen din fra?
I am from Bretagne, and the only thing I can recommend you is CREPE ! You have to eat almost one, go to a creperie !
Enjoy the sun and Bretagne, I’d have loved to meet you, but still far away from where I live ! Fingers crossed, one day !
Bisous !
Hei! =) Jeg vet at dette ikke har noe med dette innlegget å gjøre, men jeg har bare et spørsmål om kostholdet ditt. Har blitt inspirert av oppskriftene dine, så jeg tenker å prøve ut lavkarbo, men synes det står så mange forskjellige ting på nettet. Vet du ca hvor mye karbohydrater, proteiner og fett du spiser om dagen?
You look stunning as always! And the food looks delicious!
The location looks amazing!! I wish you have an amazing trip and a lot of fun over there =D
The Austrian Rose
Asos :)
Tusen takk søting! Jeg tror det bare blekes med foliestriper (kun etterveksten), så tar han en pastellfarge i hele håret når det er vått. Tror den heter sand. Klem
We had crepe today, it was sooo yummy!! :)
Det har jeg dessverre ingen oversikt over :/ Hater å regne ut slike ting når det kommer til mat, så det gjør jeg ikke :)
Thanks sweetie :)
Thanks sweetie :)
elsker bildene dine? Hvordan redigerer du de så lyse og fine? :D
Takk :) Jeg pleier å justere lysstyrke og kontrast i photoshop :)