Hi loves! So I was supposed to arrive in Bergen in an hour from now, just in time for the two hectic days I have planned before the wedding on Saturday. Do you remember the bad luck I was telling you about this weekend? Well, it followed me into this week as well. At the moment I’m at a hotel I don’t know the name of, in a city I don’t know the name of. We’ve been at the airport since like 14, with no luck. Elise and I were sent from one airport to another for some ridiculous reason, which was supposed to help us get home, but no. We were told by the airline that the drive was 45 minutes so we would make the flight they re-booked us to, but once we got to the airport the plane had already taken off. The drive was nearly two hours! Bah.. So now Elise is in Paris, I don’t know where I am, and I have no idea where the other girls are. In total three days of traveling for one full day in France, that’s just awesome. It’s been an amazing trip though! Everything has been perfect, and it was so fun getting to know these to lovely ladies better. As I had way too much wine last night I didn’t plan to take any blog pictures today, but when we saw this carousel we couldn’t help ourselves..
Sending lots of kisses to our readers..
One of the things I had to do tomorrow was making my next shopping column, so that’s what I’ll spend the night doing here in the middle of French nowhere. Hope you’ve all had a great day sweets♥
Cant you post your best haircare tips! :)
Så utrolig kjedelig :( Håper du kommer deg hjem trygt, uansett når det måtte være :)
Åh! Hvor er den fine kjolen fra? (Er det en kjole forresten?)
Great photos! You look great btw.
Who are the other bloggers on your photos? :)
Thanks sweetie. It is Elise who blogs at livingdoll.no, and Sara who blogs at sarastrand.no :)
Det er en kjole ja, kjøpte den på Warehouse London forrige uke :)
Jaa :( Takk søting :)
Yes I can do a post on that :)
You poor thing! I hope you get home soon without much further trouble, nice to see you had a good trip though. Beautiful pictures as always.
Much love from Copenhagen. :)
Thank you so much sweetie! Much love right back atcha :*
Stakkars! Håper det ordner seg :-) Hvorfor er ikke du sammen med de to andre i Paris?
Kos deg iallfall, looking fab som alltid! :D
Kan tenke meg dere har hatt det fint! Dere tre fininger :)
Takk for svar. Måtte prøve den i lunsjen i dag, men den var dessverre alt for lang. Tror det er det mest behagelige og samtidig fine plagget jeg noensinne har prøvd!
Hi Cath!
It was so nice getting to know you on the trip, and I hope you’re finally home by the time you’re reading this…!
(These carousel pictures are gorgeous ;))
Hvor er solbrillene dine fra? Du kler dem :)
Takk, fra D&G :)
It was so nice getting to know you too sweetie! :) Thank you :*
Åh, så dumt! Den var litt lang til meg også, men dro den bare litt lenger opp i midjen :)
Jeg og Elise ble jo sendt til en annen flyplass enn de andre var på, men Elise var nødt til å komme seg hjem tidlig i dag så hun valgte å fly til Paris og bestille resten av turen hjem selv.. Jeg valgte heller å bli i byen vi ble sendt til, så ordnet de hele hjemreisen for meg :)
Oh I see, ikke at det er min business ;-) Godt å høre dere kom dere trygt hjem alle sammen iallfall :) Lykke til med alt i helgen, kooos dere! :D
Hihi det går fint :) Takk søting!