– D E T A I L S –
Good morning sunshines, and happy Monday! Are you guys ready to take on the new week? This week will be so eventful for me. I will have my first exam in five years, which is both scary and exciting. I’m getting tiny little butterflies in my stomach, and I’m actually looking forward to it, hah. The day after my exam I’m off to Oslo for the Olympus event, and to catch up with my beloved Oslo-bound friends. My girls Tonje and Cynthia are coming to the event with me, and I can’t wait to see them! Cynthia has spent the last 7 months in Australia, so I simply can’t wait to catch up. When I come home it’s all about the next exams.
By the way, how crazy is it that it’s December 1st today?! Fall has seriously just flown by, and now we’re suddenly in the coziest month of the year. When I come home from Oslo I’ll definitely start decorating for Christmas, even though I’m not really in the Christmas spirit yet. I guess it’ll come soon enough. Now I’m off to school for the day, I’ll share the full look when I come home♥♥
Thea says
Masse lykke til med første eksamen!! De siste dagene før handler jo bare om oppsummering og forberedelse, for dette kan du! Kommer til å gå såå fint, og GUD så deilig det er å være ferdig. Jeg liker egentlig eksamensformen på fag mye bedre enn denne essayformen som jeg har her i London nå, er så mye deiligere å bare ha eksamen og være ferdig med hele faget etter det. Men men! Skal bli godt med jul nå snart :) Ha en strålende uke, stor klem! <3
liz says
love this
V says
Good luck!! I’m sure you’ll do great. I was a horrible exam taker. My nerves used to get the best of me and I would forget EVERYTHING! So glad I don’t have to take exams anymore! — V — http://www.lifeplus1.me
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Tuusen takk :) For en oppmuntrende kommentar! Ja det skjønner jeg godt :) Lykke til med eksamner, og ha en strålende uke du også <3 Stor klem
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thank you so much :) Oh noo! Hope that doesn’t happen to me :O
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thanks <3
cathrineheienberg@gmail.com says
Thanks <3