Hi girlies :) I’m un such a hurry right now, I’m on my way to Amalie and I’m not even dressed. I just finished my makeup though, where I tried some new products. I’m not good at fixing my brows, I simply just forget it. My brows are still pretty messed up after the super thin brow period I had when I was thirteen, so filling them in a bit really does wonders. My brows are pretty light, so shaping them a bit while I’m at it really does the trick. Good brows is almost like a virtual facelift, you can look so much more awake and fresh with the right tools.
Earlier I’ve used brow powders which have been way too dark, and I just looked like a drag queen, so right now I swear to the Glo Minerals brow powder in the color ‘blonde’. I pluck my eyebrows with the Fred Hamelten tweezer, which is simply amazing. It takes all those tiny hairs which I’ve never been able to get out with other tweezers, and Rihanna has the same one (just with lots of diamons on it), so that’s pretty cool. Fred Hamelten is a Norwegian brow expert, and I hear he’s booked all through 2013, and well into 2014. Crazy!!
I use two different brushes. The one I shape my brows with is the Billion Dollar Brows Angel Tip Spooly brush, which has one angled side perfect for shaping, and one brush which keeps the brow hairs in place. The other one I use is the smudge brush, which is perfect for filling in color where there are gaps. When using the smudge brush, the result isn’t so ‘hard’, and it’s easy to fill in even color all over the brows.
Fred Hamelten tweezer: Here // GloMinerals Brow Powder: Here // Billion Dollar Brows Angel Tip Spooly Brush: Here // B.D.B Smudge Brush: Here
If you want to try the products, you can get a 25% discount at all products from Billion Dollar Brows. The code is ‘uvgu2’, and can be used at these brushes, plus all the different shades of brow powders from B.D.B. You can also use the code on this set, which gives you a brow powder and the Angel Tip Spooly brush :)
Now I’m off for a fun girl’s night out, have a great night sweeties <3
Update: The discount code is now also valid for the GloMinerals brow powder that I use :)
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Hei! Jeg er veldig spent på update på dermaroller-behandlingen din! :)
Hei! Kan ikke du vær så snill lage en Bergen-guide? Jeg har nettopp flyttet hit og er desperat etter å finne alle gode butikker, kaféer, restauranter osv.!
Hei! Vis du vil få bryna dine til å gro litt mer, kan du kure de med en veldig god protein kur (haha faktisk) eller ta maroccon oil/biosilk på dem om natta, det funker bra! det samme gjelder vippene :-)
Har du prøvd Anastasia? Jeg kjøpte dette på Sephora og er veldig fornøyd. Minner litt om MDB!
Nei, må sjekke ut neste gang jeg er i NY :)
Takk for tips :)
Koden funker ikke på meg :/ den blir godkjent, og det står at det er trukket fra sluttsummen, men det er fortsatt den samme summen :/
I’m on it!! Skal maile de :)
Har alltid hatt lyst til å prøve, må vel gjøre det snart ;) (budsjett)
– L