Hi superstars! Are you ready for a new week? My week will be a little less intense than the past two weeks has been, with no meetings or work scheduled other than the usual. That fits me perfectly, as I’m not really in great shape nowadays, and I have a huge pop’up shop to prepare for. So after a trip to the doctor, cleaning out my closet is on the menu. Organizing, washing, ironing and not to mention putting a price tag on everything, is a pretty big job, so I’ll probably spend lots of time doing that this week.
In addition to several meetings, the trip to Oslo and the big styling job for Lagunen I’ve done the past two weeks, I’ve also done several interviews. If you want, you can watch my biggest pet peeve when it comes to social media at Kvitter/BT here, read my thoughts on being a fashion blogger in Bergen at Utetrend.no here, my love for skirts at DetNye here, and my parole for the International Women’s Day at BT here, but the last one you need to be a subscriber to read. Instagram has of course been updated quite a bit too, here is my Instaweek☆
After shooting the last look for Lagunen’s magazine. I love the tee!
Foodporn, and lots of it, in Oslo..
We squeezed in a little shopping break in Oslo, hah.
Spring weather // Topsytail pony // New MacBook with Retina, yay! I of course forgot the charger in Oslo, so now I’m back on my old MacBook, as the chargers have changed. Bah..
Words of wisdom // New oversized sunnies for spring: Check!
Throwback Thursday to a lovely day in Williamsburg, Brooklyn // My favorite part of the week; Family dinners // Home office corner..
A pop of blue brightens up my home office // A peek on Saturday’s BT..
Have a lovely day sweets♥
Hei søte! Hvor er den herlige icone t-skjorten fra? Klem
Den fant jeg på Lindex :) Klem
Hey you :) I know you don’t usually do those types of post – but would you be so sweet as to make a post about the stuff you bought while in Oslo? I would absolutely love to see it – and I’m positive I’m not the only one.
Hi :) That’s a nice idea, I’ll think about it :) Especially for a bigger shopping trip than this one :)
Men du kan jo bruke gamle ladere, de ser annerledes ut men er egentlig helt like :) Jeg bruker min gamle hele tiden.
Den passer ikke :/ Har du den helt nyeste MacBooken?
Så rart! Trodde jeg hadde den nyeste ja, kjøpte den for ca et halvt år siden… Men da har jeg kanskje ikke det likevel. Så dumt, håper du får den tilbake snart! :)
Den nye laderen er smalere og lengre :/ Den er heldigvis på vei i posten til meg :) :)
Superfine bilder :-)
Takk :)