Hi sweets♥ We just got back from Ikea, and even though we only went for three things, we came home with a full car of new stuff. And they didn’t even have the three things we came for! Haha, why does that always happen? So anywho, I just discovered something fun! I suddenly have over 20K followers on Instagram!! That’s insane, definitely calls for a celebration! Here’s my latest instagram moments..
Remember to follow me at @cathinthecity :) Are any of you on Vine by the way? I just got it, and I’ve posted two videos. I don’t really get it yet, but I bet I’ll be just as addicted to Vine as I am to Instagram, just give me a week.. You can follow me on @cathinthecity there as well. I need to follow some more peeps, what are your nicknames there?♥
Hei:-) kunne du tenke deg flere tatoveringer? :-)
Hei :) Nei jeg tror ikke jeg skal ha fler :)
Do you have snapchat? I’d try that, it’s so fun! Haven’t tried Vine yet, but it might :)
Elidajv på vine!:-)
Yes but I only use it with my friends :)
lindaletizia på insta :) Skal skaffe meg vine også! Kan jo ikke gå glipp av noe :P
Love it all. But seriously is the mayor of Bergen a dragqueen, or is he a she ie mayoress? Laughing now!
Keep up the good work sweets!
Haha no she’s not, she’s the sweetest thing :)
Where is your leather skirt from!?!?
Cubus :)
Nanaoestergaard :-)
Artig! Velfortjent ;-) Jeg følger deg selvfølgelig<3