Time for another inspo post! I love doing these, I get so many ideas, even though it’s not very good for my wallet as I usually have to get new pieces in order to fulfill my new ideas. That is just out of the question from now on, as my wallet took a pretty big swing last night. Not only did I order the Muuba jacket as well as the other pieces earlier yesterday, I also ordered a new camera; Canon 5D. A very not cheap camera, haha. Canon 5D is just such an amazing camera, and since I use my camera pretty much all day, every day, I figured it would be a good investment. Are you guys excited for much better blog pictures from now on? I know I am. The camera I have right now, Canon 600D, is actually just a loan from Canon, it’s not mine, so actually I’ve just bought my first SLR, yay! Imma celebrate that with protein pancakes right now. Anywho; Inspo!
Such stylish ladies! All the photos are from Pinterest. I love love love Pinterest, but one downside is that all the fashion pictures I seem to find is of really skinny ladies. I wish I could find photos of more curvy ladies as well, but it just doesn’t seem like they exist on Pinterest. Either way, you should really join the picture sharing community, it’s a daily must for me! You can follow me there at Cathinthecity if you’d like :) Have a wonderful day ladies<3
Kjempefint innlegg – masse fint å fråtse i! Takk for at du deler med oss :)
pretty much everything i put in an inspo folder yesterday x
Gaaaaaaaaaaad! Så masse fint :o Selv om jeg blir sur på den lille jenta med Chanel’en :( Haha, småsjalu ..
– L
I think that all this girl are inspiration to everyone who adores fashion. they really are amazing <3
I totally agree!! Where are all the curvy fashionistas?
I hardly ever comment but love this!!! the sequin pants! LOVE! The print dress, STUNNING! Is the photo of the little girl completely right or completely wrong?!?! :)
Supert innlegg :)
Dette er absolutt min favorittblogg. Elsker stilen din!
Så hyggelig!! Tusen takk<3
cant find u there :(
I’m glad you like it :) Haha I don’t know, I think it is Alexander Wang’s niece, I think he dresses her up :) Pretty damn cute either way :)
https://pinterest.com/cathinthecity/ :)
Fantastiske bilder! Og SÅ mye inspo. Skjønner godt hva du mener at du må fornye garderoben din, føler det på akkurat samme måte!
I can’t find you on Pinterest. Can you post a link to your pinterest page?
Hi Cath :-)
Just wanted to say that i really really love your blog! I find it sooo inspiring. I really love when you make outfit posts and link to the clothes (i know it’s not possible always, but i really love it when you do).
I know it isn’t really related to this post but I just wanted you to know :-)
pinterest is just a wannabe-tumblr..
Thank you so much sweetie! <3
Superfine bilder!
Hvilket program bruker du for å sette sammen kollasjen? Eller setter du bare bildene sammen i Photoshop selv?
Takk :) Setter de bare sammen i photoshop selv ja :)
Åh, 5d er et fantastisk kamera! Har litt lyst på det selv, men det er jo så stort at det er litt mer stress å dra på hele dagen enn et 600d (som jeg har nå)
SO wrong!
(But still really cute ;))