Hi lovelies! This morning I woke up to snow up to my knees, so the planned run was replaced by playing in the snow with Bella for hours. She got totally buried in all the snow, but she loved every second of it, haha. I still wanted to show you the new Nikes that my boyfriend got me for Christmas, he did such a good job this year! The only thing on my wishlist from him was to wake up to a Christmas stocking, but he got me so many pretty things. How adorable are these?!
My friends and I have big workout plans for the new year (who doesn’t, haha), so now I’m really ready for 2015.
The trainers matched the rest of my workout gear perfectly, so I’m looking at a very pink and active new year.
Now it’s time to hop in the shower and get ready for today’s festivities. In a few hours another family gathering is on the menu, and after that I’m going out with all my best girlfriends. I can’t wait! Have a lovely day you guys♥
Den beste treningsmotivasjonen kommer fra slike freshe treningsklær! Elsker skoene :-)
those are so cute
Giveaway on my blog
Hvor er joggeskoa kjøpt:) elsket fargen!
I know!
Takk! Vet ikke helt, men sikkert en sportsbutikk :)
Så utrolig nydelig jakke!! Veit du hvor den er fra? :)
Takk, den er fra Under Armour :)