I’ve gotten the feeling that a lot of you are complete interior freaks like myself, right? Always looking for pretty new things to spice up the house. Therefore I thought I’d share this amazeballs new site I found, which was a big reason Amalie and I were up all night on Friday. I couldn’t stop looking through it all!
I think my home is lovely, but it’s just missing something if you know what I mean. It’s bright and pretty, but it lacks a certain something. A little personality maybe. As you’ve probably noticed from all my interior inspiration posts I’m obsessed with mirrored furniture, and this site had just that. Plus a lot of other pretty things, like the book shelves on the picture, pillows, mirrors, carpets, even fireplaces. I would say 95% of the stuff on this page is boring or ugly haha, but then suddenly you just find that one thing that you cannot live without. The prices are pretty reasonable, but of course shipping and customs costs a lot. What’s great is that you can pay the customs while checking out, so you know exactly how much you’ll end up paying combined.
Check out the site here
Isn’t that white bookshelf just perfect? Imagine filling it with cute books and picture frames! Definitely need to keep that one in mind. And the mirrored pieces – perfection!!
I love mirrored furniture!
Hei! Har så lyst til å reise til NY til høsten. Skal studere på nettet, og vil da bor der et år, så kom jeg på at du bodde hos Frelses Armeen, og lurte på om du vet om det går ann å bo der mer enn 3 mnd?
Jeg har prøvd å sende mail, men mailen ble returnert, så vet ikke helt hvordan å kontakte dem utenom det telefonnummeret som står. :)
Mye fint:) Holder på å pusse opp og innrede ny leilighet, og det er så mye jeg har lyst på !
Hei, ja poenget er at man skal bo der lenger enn 3 mnd, det er langtidsleie :) Jeg ville nok ikke anbefalt å bo der i et helt år, hadde blitt gaaaal! Sjekk heller ut Silver Towers eller noe annet :) Markle er greit for et par mnd, men ikke lenger for min del ihvertfall. :)
De har en slik speil kommode på IKEA nå, limited edition :)
linken virker ikke :(
Ja jeg har sett den, men den passer ikke heelt inn i stuen :/