I don’t know how many of you who have followed me from the very start, but during my first New York trip I bought carrot and orange juice almost every day. They had this huge machine where they put fresh fruit and veggies in, and it came out as a juice. I was very fascinated, and I haven’t been able to forget about the delicious juice ever since.
I love vegetables, and it’s important to me that the food I eat is healthy and is good for me. Therefore, my latest purchase, the juice machine, is probably the best investment I’ve done all year! Well, at first place along with the new Chanel. It’s so ridiculously easy to make, and it takes so little time. Here’s my fave recipe so far. The only one I’ve tried, but still;
Sliced and peeled oranges
Sliced carrots. I don’t even have to peel them, as non of the actual carrot ends up in the juice, just the juice form the carrot. A complicated sentence. Try to say it fast 10 times!! Or not.. Either way, I read that carrots are actually way healthier to you when you make a juice like this. When you eat them raw, the antioxidants are tied to the fiber, but the juice machine separates the fiber from the antioxidants, so that your body gets the full effect. Genius! The same with boiling them by the way.. Aaaanyway, slice those badboys!!
If it looks like a man is peeing from the machine, you’ve done it right.
Then you’re dunzo! Serve them with a few ice cubes if the veggies aren’t already cold :)
Soo incredibly delicious!! I can’t wait to make this every morning. Since I love carrots so much I put a lot of them in, but just put in which ever amounts you’d like. My boyfriend actually didn’t like the carrot part of the juice, there must be something seriously wrong with him. Is it evil of me to be a little relieved by the fact that he didn’t like it, so I don’t always have to share whenever I make some? Haha. I bought this machine from Philips by the way. It cost 1099kr in the store, but for some reason it’s 100 kr cheaper online. Anyway, I really recommend buying it at Elkjop, because you can try it for 30 days, and if you don’t like it, or don’t use it as much as you thought, you can just return it and get a full refund. A genius solution. Another huge plus is that the jug holds 1250ml of juice, so I can just make a lot in the morning and keep it in the fridge all day, and sip on it whenever I like. I’m so glad I bought this!! There was a book with lots of recipes in the pack, so I’ll experiment with apples, celery, grapes etc when I get the time. There was also a guide of what you can do with the leftovers from the fruit and veggies, like lots of different face masks you can make! Gotta love it.
Ps; Does not work with a smoothie machine. I tried it once, and it tasted so badly! Like puke!
Lilly says
Looks nice, but I hope you will try some more complicated recipes too? I mean, this was just carrots…
Katrine says
Nam, det ser helt fantastisk godt ut! :-)
tonje says
takk for herlig tips! :)
Siw Hege says
Elkjøp har ofte en billigere nettpris. Hvis du vet om det, er det mulig å prute i butikken og få produktet til nettpris (det gjør jeg som oftest, for da får jeg produktet med en gang).
Lykke til med juicepresse. Så veldig god ut.
Mira says
Namnam! Tror jeg må prøve dette jeg :)
cathrineheienberg says
I wrote that I’ll experiment more haha. Read the post :)
Line says
Prøv appelsin, gulrot og sitron! Kjempe godt. Gulrot er fantastisk i juice :D
hei says
anbefaler å lage med gulrot og jordbær! kjempedigg!! drakk det hver dag før-..
og en annen er tomat med noen eplebiter! nam!
det enkle er ofte det beste :)
Cecilie Lykke says
Nam nam!
Monica says
Har vurdert å kjøpe en slik juice-maskin selv.. Hjemmelaget juice er nam!
Mange fine NY-bilder her. Jeg var der for første gang i fjor, og skal tilbake igjen i sommer. Det er noe magisk med den byen. Får en slags ro, særlig når man går gatelangs sene kvelder. Eller sitter på en takterasse med utsikt over hele byen. Fantastisk!
Ida O says
Goo Elkjøp!;) hehe.. Lurte faktisk på hvorfor så mange kom innom og spurte etter juicepresse idag! Nå forstår jeg jo hvorfor;) Dumt at vi ikke har de i butikk akkurat nå da..(Tromsø)
Hanne says
Nam! :)
Lydia says
Feett, har ønsket meg en sånn juicemaskin lenge, utrolig mange muligheter da :D .. Haha, elsker den muntlige måten du skriver på – ”Try to say it fast 10 times!! Or not.. Either way” (prøvde, men klart det ikke så bra), ” Aaaanyway, slice those badboys!!” – du er så rå! Ha en fin kveld – ops, natt :D
– L
cathrineheienberg says
Virkelig?? Hihi så morsomt. Jeg var ihvertfall suuuuperfornøyd med min :D
cathrineheienberg says
Haha åh tusen takk!! Jeg skriver liksom som jeg snakker, og når jeg sier en rar setning sier jeg alltid etterpå “si det fort ti ganger!!”. Såå blir ofte litt rart språk her inne, men bra du liker det :D <3
Lene says
Jeg leste et sted at noen hadde slurvet med å rense juicemaskinen sin, og vips var den full av (uff) hvite makker…bare et tips! :) Hold den reeen, hehehe :)
cathrineheienberg says
ÆÆÆÆSJ!!! Haha. Heldigvis er jeg helt nazi på å vaske ting, så alle delene ble selvfølgelig vasket godt rett etter bruk :D
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips! Kan tenke meg sitron er kjempegodt oppi :)
cathrineheienberg says
Det hørtes.. Interessant ut? Haha, men jeg skal absolutt prøve det, blir nok positivt overrasket! Tusen takk for tips :)
cathrineheienberg says
Go for it!! :) Ja det er helt fantastisk<3
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips :) Så nå at det er visst en litt annen jeg har kjøpt, den på nettet hadde 650 watt mens min hadde 700.. Så er nok derfor :)
Miska says
I’ve had a juicer for the past 2 weeks and have had sooo much fun making different concoctions. Although the 2 recipes that I made today were probably by far my favorite! Here are the ingredients if your interested in trying these :))
Juice 1: 1 beet, 3 carrots, 3 celery sticks, and 2 apples (it’s great for beginner juicers because it’s sweet but loaded with vitamins and minerals).
Juice 2: 3 carrots, 3 celery sticks, 2 apples, 1 lemon, a small bundle of kale (approx. 5 leaves), 1 nectarine, and about 10 strawberries.
Mmm so delicious! I will most definitely try your recipe tomorrow morning! Thanks so much, Cath :D <3
Maria says
Jaggu så søt du er da!!! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Oooh thank you so much :D I will definitely try these! Can’t wait :) <3
Suzi says
Hi Catrhine, can I ask you something by the way?? Your skin is beautiful, drink you lots of water? (min. 2 liters?) Thanks for answer. have a nice day !
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you sweetie :) I try to drink around 2liters every day, I always keep jugs of cold water in my fridge. But my skin really isn’t thaat pretty, I have lots of small imperfections, as opposed to big zits.. But water definititely helps to keep your skin moist, and a moist skin will get less pimples :) Have a great day!
Dua says
Oooh det er så utrolig kjedelig at de ikke har sånne juicer her i Norge. Husker når jeg var i utlandet, de hadde små juice kiosker. Du bare sa hva du ville ha også lagde de det med en gang. Jeg ELSKER gullerot og apppelsin juice. Det er bare sykt godt! Drakk det hver dag når jeg var i hjemmelandet. Savner det :/
Maria says
Kjæresten min kjøpte nettopp en sånn maskin han også. Jeg syntes juicer laget av frukter er desidert best, og gulrot-delen funker ikke helt for min del heller. Ikke såå godt, altså, hehe. Syntes jeg da. Men pære, grønt eple og lime sammen var veeldig godt! :)
Elise says
Takk for tips, dette fikk jeg lyst til å prøve! Er så mange sånne maskiner nå for alt mulig, har lyst på alle…haha. Men dette hørtes godt OG sunt ut :D
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg er veldig grønnsaks-jente, og liker faktisk ikke frukt så godt lenger, så er vel bare derfor jeg elsker gulrotjuicen :) Jeg klarer bare ikke alt det søte i frukten, blir kvalm. Men i juice går det helt fint :D Takk for tips, det skal jeg prøve!! :)
Kaia says
Åååh, det vil jeg og prøve! <3
Ps. Gwyneth Palthrows blogg Goop (du er sikkert kjent med den http://www.goop.com) har ofte masse ingredienser på supersunne juices – sånn i tilfelle du er på en über helsebølge en dag ;)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for tips :D