Good morning lovebugs♥ My column is delivered, and I’m ready for a new fun week. Soon I’m off for a long power walk in the nice weather, before I have a meeting this afternoon. If I can make it time wise, I’m also going to a birthday dinner tonight. A fabulous start to the week!
I thought I’d show you my little mother’s day gift that I made yesterday; this cute jar of homemade peanut butter. I got the recipe from Caroline, and it’s the easiest thing in the world to make.
All you do is use a hand mixer and crush the peanuts. Do it for about five minutes and you have super yummy homemade peanut butter! Sea salt tastes fantastic with. I’ve had a jar of my own in the fridge since Friday, and I’m simply not able to stay away from it. For this jar which is quite big, I used 600 grams of peanuts.
I found the jar at Åhlens, along with the ribbon and the tag. I think giving away homemade gifts is so much more special than buying something random, in fact it can’t even be compared! If it’s eatable it’s a huge plus haha.
Hope you’ll all have a great start to the week, and if you have time, try the peanut butter! Soooo good♥
*sikle* Send litt hit a, det er jo så godt at det nærmest er skummelt!
Ha en fin mandag, søta :)
Looks so yummy… I love everything with peanuts.
I’ve recently just made healthy Snickers. If you want the recipe you can see it on my blog in this post
So delicious
Mmm!! Lovely! :D
Hihi det er det også! Takk det samme skjønne :*
Oh funny, I tried to make homemade snickers bars this weekend! They didn’t turn out good though :/ Your recipe looked a lot easier though, so I’ll definitely try them :)
Hva slags peanøtter er det man bruker? De usaltede store greiene med skall på? haha :-D
Mmmm! :) og så lekre detaljar! Du er flink :) eg lurar på om du brukte peanøtter m/skall (usalta), eller peanøtter u/skal (à la Maarudpose, liksom), med salt?
Namnam ;-) Hjemmelaget er absolutt best ja! Det smaker best og man vet faktisk hva man putter i kroppen, i steden for all driten som finnes i butikkene.
That looks so delicious!! I need to try it this week :)
For ein fantastisk gave :D Nam!
You definitely should :)
I knoow!
Jeg brukte Polly sin pose, jeg fant ingen usaltet :/ Kan tenke meg at det er bedre å bruke, og heller tilsette en del havsalt. Siden peanøttene jeg brukte allerede var saltet godt brukte jeg bare littegrann havsalt :)
Jeg brukte Polly, fant ingen med skall :/ Men det ble jo himmelsk uansett :D
I love homemade gifts, they are so personal and sweet. I might give this a try for mothers day too :)
Janine xx
Bake, Glue and Trend!
Omg I love that! So gonna try this tomorrow morning!
Looking for food porn?
Må jo nesten prøves! Hellstrøm moste jo cashewnøtter til dét ble ‘smør’, har sykt lyst til å prøve det og ..
– L
Åh hørtes godt ut :)