Hi my loves! I’m sorry for being a bit absent at the blog, these past few days have been so crazy, and I’ve been traveling all day. The trip to Manchester was a bigger success than I could ever dream of! I’m both drained and filled with energy and excitement at the same time at this point. We met the people we’ve been emailing with since this summer and had weekly contact with, and I was a bit nervous. I was hoping our personalities would match and that we got along, and man, we did!! In addition to lots of work, we really got to know them, hear funny stories, ate yummy food and just.. Had a blast! These guys have decades of experience and are so amazingly talented, I’m so honored that they want to work with us! They’ve done so well for themselves, you should have seen the house we were in!! So they don’t have to do this at all. But still, they believe so much in our project that they’re almost just as excited to be working on this as us! I’m so honored and thrilled to have them on board!!
Yesterday we were picked up early, and we didn’t come home until 3pm. We worked until about 9pm, then Bruce, one of the guys we work with, came out for drinks, and we had such a crazy fun night. It wasn’t as fun waking up after a few hours of sleep, with yesterday’s makeup on and a major hangover though. I was feeling so sick at the airport and I looked so terrible, and of course, this guy came over and asked if I was the blogger CathInTheCity. It’s always fun when that happens, even though I was a bit embarrassed as I felt and looked like a trainwreck. And what do you think happens? He shouted to the whole line of people ready to get on the plane to Oslo, pointing at me, ‘That’s Cathinthecity!!”. I’ve never felt the urge to dig a whole in the ground and hide in it so strongly before, haha. Pictures were taken too, and I hope they never see the light of day.
Now I just got home, I’ve jumped into my slacks, and can’t wait to kick back and just relax this evening. I have absolutely no Christmas spirit yet, so I think I’ll watch some Christmas movies to get the spirit up. Do you guys have any favorites to recommend me? I’m thinking about Home Alone, but I want to see more!
A little decoration has come up though, so it’s cosy and Christmas-y here. I’m so excited to spend these next weeks at home with the holidays and all, and gather some energy for 2014. It’s going to be a crazy year! Right after new years we’re heading back to Manchester, a city we’ll be visiting a lot. Then Paris is next up a few weeks after that, I can’t wait!
Have a lovely evening sweets♥
elle says
I absolutely recommend ‘The holiday’ and ‘Love actually’..I watched this movies recently ( like every year:) ). If this doesn’t ‘help’ just listen to Michael Bubles Christmasalbum:)
coffee in a cup says
se ‘the holiday’ og du kommer helt sikkert i jule-modus! skikkelig koselig klissefilm :)
Ingvild says
Hvor er den nydelige kosedrakta fra? :) <3
Marthe says
åå, jeg gleder meg sånn til å høre hva slags prosjekt dette er! så spennende dette må være for deg!
Julefilmer jeg vil anbefale er Hjemme Alene 1 og 2, Hjelp! Det er juleferie (eller noe liknende?), Love Actually, The Grinch og Elf. Alle er så søte og morsomme :) syntes også The Family Stone med Sarah Jessica Parker er søt. det er ikke tidenes beste film, men den er søt og julete :)
Pinja says
I’m so excited to here all about that project!:)
cathrineheienberg says
I can’t wait to share everything!! :)
cathrineheienberg says
BikBok, den er så deilig! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips, will do :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks for the tips :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk, jeg gleder meg SÅÅÅ mye til å dele alt! Det er utrolig spennende ja :)
Tusen takk for kjempebra tips, nå har jeg for noen dager fremover ja :) :)
Aline says
Så spennende…gleder meg til å høre mer om prosjektet ;-)
Monica Helset says
Heihei! Jeg lurte på hvilken størrelse du har i det lilla skjørtet fra Choies? Klarte ikke å bestemme meg for farge,så her blir det både lilla og blått,hihi :-) men veldig usikker på hvilken størrelse jeg skal velge.
Ha en fortsatt fin juletide,Cathrine! Og du bare MÅ se Polarekspressen nå i juletider :-)
Nora says
Ååå jeg gleder meg sånn til å høre om dette prosjektet!!! Vet du når du får lansere det for oss? :)
martuuu says
Very nice blog ;) Merry Christmas :*
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks :) Merry Christmas :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg gleder meg SÅÅ mye til å dele :D Lanseres i mai :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg bestilte XS/S, husker ikke, det minste :) Tusen takk søting, i lige så! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Gleder meg så alt for mye til å fortelle :)
Talisa says
Hi Catherine, lovely to hear you enjoyed Manchester and i’m very excited to hear all about your up and coming projects! :-). Home Alone has to be my absolute FAVOURITE christmas film! Closely followed by ‘Love Actually’ and ‘Miracle on 34th Street’. x x
Krissi says
You have to see Miracle on 34th street! The “newer” version with Sir Richard Attenborough, it is the most beautiful christmas movie!!!!!! Second best is Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. I’m a christmas movie expert, so you can trust me :D Happy Holidays Cath!
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you sweetie :) Yes I looove those :)
cathrineheienberg says
I’ll check them out, thank you so much :D