Hi sweeties! I’ve camped in my bathroom for the night.. When I’m feeling down, the bathroom is my hiding place. I’ve found all of my home spa products, downloaded the newest episode of Gossip Girl which I’ll watch while applying nail polish and letting the face masks work their wonders, and I have Wordfeud if Gossip Girl is no good. I had a wonderful time with Ulrikke, as always :) But it’s weird, if something isn’t right, it takes all of my focus.. I guess it’s not all that weird, as it hasn’t even been a month since everything happened.. Anywho, what I meant to show you in this post, was my favorite Ole Henriksen products.
The sugar glow face scrub gives exactly what it promises, a glowy skin. I really love this product. Another favorite is the Invigorating night gel. The most effective night gel/cream I’ve ever tried. I always wake up with the shiniest skin, whereas I earlier always woke up with a matte and dry looking skin. The African red tea exfoliating lip salvation has been a must this winter, as I always get dry lips when it’s cold out. It really works wonders! Then we have the Pick me up face mist, which is a really good toner which minimizes pores and gives me a fresh glow. I always splash a few dashes on my face after cleansing it.
Right now you’ll get all Ole Henriksen products at 15% off at Coverbrands! Lasts until Saturday :)
Right now I’m just gonna sit here and try to focus on all the amazing things that are happening in my life, while home spa-ing. I have so many cool plans, like NY soon, Ulrikke and I are talking about a trip to Thailand or Bali, London with Amalie in May, Greece with my sister and boyfriend in June, becoming an aunt, Kristiansand this summer, more NY trips and I’m hopefully also going to Africa this fall. Focusing on the good things, so important..
By the way: The perfect home spa song; Jose Gonzales – Heartbeats! I have it on repeat.
Products sponsored by Coverbrands
these things need some time sweetie
but as times goes on, it gets better
( I know one thinks it is a clichée but for me it really was the case)
the sad feelings make place for all the wonderful memories which remain
and about which you like to think now and then:)
have a relaxed time
“If Gossip Girl is not good” ?! that’s impossible! :D the last episode was one of the best in my opinion. But Blair + Dan = :/ I’m not feeling them together :( …. Hugs beautiful! <3
Det er lurt å fokusere på det positive ja, men husk at det er normalt å ikke føle seg helt som seg selv enda.. <3
Den sangen er så fin, håper du kosa med spa :)
Det er kjempedeilig å gjøre sånt og :) Håper alt går bra med deg<3
Alltid deilig med litt alene tid og bare drømme seg bort i noe man liker!
Hvor er det du laster ned gossip girl? :-)
Håper du føler deg bedre nå! Alltid deilig med hjemmespa når ting ikke er så bra.. <3
Dansk som jeg er – elsker jeg også Ole Henriksen sine produkter:-) Jeg har på min blogg blogg.gold-digger.no lagt nogle opskrifter ud på masker som Ole Henriksen har gitt ud og som man selv kan lave der hjemme…
Fin blogg du har:-)
Hørtes veldig deilig ut å ha et eget spa for seg selv! Litt godt det, når man har mye å tenke på :-)