You all know how much I love a good home spa, right? I do them every single week, and I couldn’t function without them. A few hours of total well being, total relaxation and refreshing body and soul with amazing products, what’s better than that? For today’s home spa I tried some new products, and also used products that has been my favorites for years. Here’s the whole bunch, which made for a perfect home spa!
♥ Blackhead Killer ♥
I’ve been wanting to try the Blackhead Killer for so long! I’ve heard such good things, and since I always struggle with small impurities and blackheads, this was perfect for me.
The mask contains 100% natural ingredients, and is perfect for vanishing blackheads, pimples and impurities. Already after the first treatment it promises to give a new, fresher skin, and I can definitely second that!! My skin felt soo fresh and clean afterwards! In addition to treating your impurities, it kills bacterias that form new impuirities, so that future breakouts are prevented. You apply it like a regular face mask, and after 10 minutes you peel it off. This pack contains five treatments, and you should use them once a week. You can find Blackhead Killer here. My boyfriend nearly had a heart attack when I came out of the bathroom wearing this, haha. It works like a charm though, even though you look a little weird when you have it on.
♥ Eyedews ♥
Eyedews is an absolute must for me for home spas, and just generally when I feel tired or un-fresh. Eyedews is like small moisturizing pillows you put under your eyes and they’re filled with a lovely mix aloe, collagen, Q10, vitamin A and E . They cool down and soothes the area under your eyes, while moisturizing and decreasing puffiness and fine lines. Whether you’re just feeling tired, hungover or dehydrated, these little miracle workers fix the problem immediately. Keep them in your fridge for a fantastic cooling effect. One pack contains three different treatments.
♥ Bare Minerals Firming Eye Treatment ♥
I always have very dry skin under my eyes, so I’m absolutely addicted to a good eye cream. This is an anti aging eye cream which makes the skin under your eyes firm and smooth, while minimizing wrinkles, fine lines and bags under the eyes. When applying this, I follow the bone under my eyes, and up to my eyebrows, in a C shape. It will work its way up to right under your eyes by itself, and it’s important not to apply eye cream directly under your eyes. I’ve only tested this for a couple of days, but I really really like it. The skin under my eyes feel moist and fresh, and my concealer doesn’t cake as much in the fine lines as it normally does. This is definitely my new go-to eye cream! Apply it morning and night for the best result.
♥ Rudolph Care Acai Body Oil ♥
This is a new product to me, and I love it!! It has won the prize for “Luxury bodycare product of the year” at Danish Beauty Award for a good reason! The delicate oil contains organic oils and Acai, which is filled with antioxidants. After applying this my skin was so incredibly soft and moist. Not only did my skin feel fantastic, it also gave a beautiful glow. The oil is a bit pricy, but it is definitely worth the money. After trying this, I can’t imagine using anything else! For the best result, apply it on damp skin right after a shower. Your skin will absorb the oil so well, and you’ll have the softest skin!
♥ Vivian Gray – Luxury Body Lotion ♥
This body lotion smells and feels so good, but the best thing about it is the incredibly chic dispenser it comes in. I always have body lotion on my bathroom sink next to the hand soap both for me and if I have guests over, and this body lotion brightens up the bathroom like jewelry! It’s super budget friendly, only 79kr!!
♥ Ole Henriksen – Sugar Glow Face Scrub ♥
This face scrub has been my favorite for years. I’m so addicted to my Ole Henriksen products!! This scrub is filled with strong antioxidants from African Red Tea, pomegranate seeds and honey. It seriously feels like massaging honey onto your skin, with little grains that cleans out any dead skin cells. After using this I always get the dewiest glow. Apply to damp cleansed skin, and massage it in with circular motions. Use two to three times a week.
♥ Ole Henriksen – Firm Action Mask ♥
This mask has also been my favorite for the last three years. I always apply it after using the Sugar Glow face scrub. It minimizes pores, vanishes impurities and lifts the skin with chinese clay and herbs. It works great for all skin types. This little thing is seriously a miracle worker. My skin always feel so clean and fresh after using this, and in addition to moisturizing the skin, it prevents future impurities.
♥ Ole Henriksen – Nurture Me Soothing Creme ♥
This moisturizer is new to me, and I wanted to try it because I’ve gotten such sensitive skin lately. It’s more dry now than usual, and I get redness more easily. This cream protects the skin, and works healing and moisturizing. It’s perfect for those of us with sensitive skin. Nourishing oils and vitamins protect the skin, while moisturizing like crazy. I’ve only used this for a week, but it will definitely be my regular day and night cream from now on. It feels like it’s made for my skin!
If you want to try some of these lovely products yourself, use the code CH, which gives you a 15% discount! The discount code is valid until Friday the 27th♥
Tror nok jeg må ha både blackhead killer og eyedews!! Takk for gode tips:D
Hjemmespa er såå herlig :) Overrasket over at du likte killer masken, jeg har dem selv og hater dem. Haha.. Funker ikke i det hele tatt på meg, kjipt.
Ja det er det beste :D Åå? Jeg syns huden var så fresh etterpå! Men nå har jeg jo selvfølgelig bare prøvd den én gang da, så hvor godt den funker på selve urenhetene i lengden vet jeg jo ikke enda :)
Håper du liker de like godt som meg :D <3
Hvordan fjerner du ansiktsmaskene du bruker? Med en klut, sminkeserviett eller bare vann i hendene?:)
I looove your home spa posts, so inspiring…
Veldig fint innlegg, jeg prøvde også den blackhead killer for første gang i går, men det stod 30 minutter og ikke 10 for min stivnet ikke skikkelig før etter 20 min, men det kommer kanskje ann på hvor tynt lag man smører på:) Man fikk kjempe myk hud men det var ikke direkte behagelig å dra den av :)
Takk for mange gode tips! Må ha meg et hjemmespa snart :)
Jeg fikk to sånne ansiktsrensvotter fra Linda Johansen i en goodiebag en gang, de er helt fantastiske til å ta av ansiktsmasker med :)
I’m glad you like them sweetie :)
Ja varierer nok litt :) Så bra at du også likte den :)
Ja det er jo så deilig :)
Hei! dette har ikke akkurat noe med denne posten å gjøre, men jeg bare lurte på om du hadde sendt ut bloppis-varene? kjøpte et sort skjort av deg 13 september, men har enda ikke fått det. Gleder meg så til å prøve det på :)
Kjempebra innlegg, Cathrine. Du er en utrolig dyktig skriblent!
Klem :-)
PS: Vi har skrevet om nattens Emmy-kjoler, kanskje du vil titte innom?
Hei du!
Jeg kjøpte meg en pakke med Blackhead Killer men siden jeg ikke har noen akutte problemer tenker jeg å bruke den til å freshe meg opp før fest feks i stedet for å bruke den regelmessig. Når anbefaler du å bruke den da? Kvelden før eller rett før?
Tusen takk for svar :)
Avocado oil is also AMAZING for skin and hair if you want to try oils every once in a while. I know you’re familiar with coconut oil (love it!) so oils aren’t all that weird of a concept for you haha :) It contains Vit E, A and Q10 to name a few – same stuff as most moisturizers, just straight from the source! And it’s edible. Ok I’ll stop ranting now, have a great week!
I’ve never even heard of that! Need to check it out, thanks for the tip :)
Hei :) Det vet jeg dessverre ikke, har som sagt kun brukt det én gang selv. Kanskje noen andre her har peiling? :)
Så fint innlegg :-) Tusen takk for alle tips :-) Jeg også er veldig glad i ansiktsskrubben til Ole Henriksen<3 Har du prøvd "Feel the different" masken hans? Den er AMAZING. Den kjenner man hjelper virkelig, og man føler seg såå fresh etterpå :-)
Nei det har jeg ikke, den må jeg prøve!! Takk for tips :) :)