Hi lovelies! I’m home from Oslo, and it’s so nice to be back! Oslo was great, and I can’t wait to go back :) Even though I’ll admit, it was good for my nerves to come back.. Too much crazy stuff is going on in Oslo, it needs to stop immediately!! I was looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was behind me every second haha.. At the concert all I could see was sweet blog readers though, my bestie overheard some of their conversations and they were like “Touch her!!! Touch her!!! Oh my God I touched her!!” Haha, nice to know that I can please girls with letting them feel me up. Not that I noticed.. Hmm.. Anyways, the concert was amazing, and what was almost as amazing was Brann humiliating Rosenborg at the same time!!! Yeees!!! Check out the summary here, recommended!! Okay, none of you care, but YAY!! I’ll upload lots of pictures later, right now I have to sleep off this hangover, as I’ve been intoxicated almost all weekend long! Tired!!
This is from before the concert yesterday, I did not wear my hair like that! I hate “perfect” curls. But I thought I’d show you, since you always ask how I fix my hair. What I do when I have extra time on my hands, is to curl my whole hair like this, and then brush it. Then it becomes really flowy and wavy, instead of looking like a 16 year old ready for prom, like me on this picture.. Anyways, ta-taa!! See u later :*
Btw: If you want to help one of my sweetest readers win a contest she’s dying to win, please click here and ‘like’ the photo :) I think she’s commented every single blog post from the day I started blogging, so I really want her to win this one :)
Hahaha, kladdete blogglesere alts
Du er s
haha, s
Du er nydelig! :) Og h
Heia rosenborg!!!
Kan du lage et eget innlegg om hva du kj
Jeg har stemt p
Jeg kj
Snill du er :)
For et nydelig h
Slik s
Haha, morsomt med de leserne! Kr
You look so beautiful!!!:)Wait for more pics :)
Check my Blog http://alittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/
and on-line store http://shopalittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ !! :)
Heier p
Ja det kan jeg vettu ;)
Velkommen hjem:D Syns jeg s
Tusen takk s
Wow, det er s
Woohoo :D
Helt enig, det er s
Ja, sykt s
Hei! Hva slags utstyr bruker du for
Her har jeg brukt glattetang. Bruker b
HVilket merke da? Herlige kr
GHD :) Takk! :)