Tomorrow H&M’s new conscious collection hits the stores, and I actually wasn’t aware of it before today! I’ve seen the pictures, but I just thought it was a high-end editorial for some fashion magazine. The fact that us deadly can get our hands on the pieces too is nothing less than fantastic news! Not that I will though, I’m always way too slow with these things. Here are my favorites from the new collection, which I’ll try to hunt down the best that I can.
I’m contemplating whether or not I should ask me boyfriend to merry me, just so I can use the dress above as my wedding dress. I would definitely get married in those shoes too, such a cool contrast! Okay, maybe not, but almost..
My favorite blogger Angelica Blick got her hands on the pieces early, look how unearthly gorgeous she looks!
I’m praying to higher powers that these are available in a small, just waiting for me in the store..
..and if not, I’ll simply have to sew them myself. Yes, I’m taking up sewing again, and now I’m off to the fabric store to see which pretty fabrics I can use for the long list of pieces I have planned to sew before summer. Have a fabulous day you guys♥
Elke says
Ohh I love these pieces! And you really have to share your sewing pieces with us:) I’m curious now hihii.❤️
Amelia says
Great dresses! I would like to learn to sew but I don’t know is it good to learn basics by internet or it is better to learn basics form person who knows the job? :D Is it hard to learn basics? It is my dream! I have so many ideas and I am so creative, but I don’t know how to express my ideas :) Where did you learn basics? Wish you luck with “new beginning” :) says
Skulle gjerne hatt den vesken og den svarte kjolen! Nydelig:)
TAMT says
Skulle virkelig ønske vi hadde kultur på å vandre rundt i både kjoler og generellt noe annet enn jeans til hverdags her i Norge, man er jo alltid overpyntet! Derfor tror jeg ikke disse kjolene ville blitt brukt så mye hos meg, men gud så fine de er! *drømmesegbort*
Ellers har jeg nettop sydd mitt første denimskjørt. Har definitivt syånden over meg for tiden jeg også! Lykke til med syingen, gleder meg til å se hvilken stoffer du velger :)
Stor klem,
cathrineheienberg says
cathrineheienberg says
I will :) :)
cathrineheienberg says
I would recommend taking a class, but you can absolutely learn a lot from tutorials on YouTube :) I took a beginners bootcamp class in New York, 5 days of sewing and I learnt so much :)
cathrineheienberg says
Jaa helt enig! Jeg går i kjoler til hverdags uansett da, hihi, men skulle gjerne dratt den enda lenger. Så gøy! Tusen takk :) Klem
Olivia Jakobsen says
WOW so beautiful! OMG!
– Cathrine I’m going to New York this saturday for a week. Could you recommend me any shoppingplaces? I have been there once before and I am .. so in love with the city, just as you are. :) It’s incredible.
Veronica says
Sweet jesus, den lange, hvite kjolen MÅ jeg bare ha! Men noe forteller meg at denne kolleksjonen ikke kommer til å være av de billigste hos H&M :'(
Men gud, noe så vakkert.
Amelia says
Thank you for advice :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tror ikke de var så aalt for gale, men selvfølgelig er alt utsolgt :/
cathrineheienberg says
Lucky you! You can take a look in the category ‘New York tips’ :)