After a nice and relaxing vacation, with a few minor bumps along the road (every time I’ve tried to use the wifi), we’re heading home! I’m so excited to see Bella again, she’s been with my parents all week and unfortunately she got in heat just the day before we left. My parents have really had their hands full, haha. I’m only staying for one day, then I’m off again. I have really fun meetings in Oslo this week, but I’m really excited for Saturday night when I come home, and staying home for a while. In the daily life I always dream about traveling, but these past two weeks have been so eventful with France, Barcelona, of course the big wedding weekend and now Oslo. I’m excited to just camp on the couch with my favorite bad tv-shows and have nothing to do! You know when you just walk around the house with nothing on the agenda, and maybe decide to do something you’ve postponed for so long, because now you have all the time in the world. Like wiping dust off of the shelves that are so high up on the wall that no one can see the dusty surface, so you haven’t found it important at all.. Or scrapbooking pictures you have laying around, or finally trying that recipe you’ve been wanting to try for so long. That’s the sort of things I’ll do on a slow day at home, and I miss ’em!!
So anywho, we have a plane to catch, have a good one lovelies
Hehe, jeg vet så godt hva du mener med å bare daffe rundt hjemme uten noenting på agendaen ;) Jeg leverte masteroppgaven min for en uke siden, og daffing er akkurat det jeg driver med om dagen, for å si det sånn.. Deilig å ha tid til å se på tv-serier igjen! Men er også glad for at jeg skal på en liten ferietur om en uke, ellers ville jeg blitt gal i lengden; godt med balanse :) God tur hjem, gleder meg til Barcelona-bilder :):)
Love the mint maxi paired w/ the sneakers – Too cute!
When you’re done in Oslo and are ready to get lazy again, can you pleeease please please have a Q/A then? :D :D
What a sweet looking couple :)
Thanks sweetie :)
I did one not too long ago, is it anything specific you want to ask? :)
Gratulerer så mye :D Og kos deg på velfortjent ferie!! :)
Hvor er skjørtet og solbrillene fra? Veldig fint antrekk. Lurer på om du kanskje kan lage et innlegg om hvordan du setter sammen antrekk og hvordan bruke et antrekk på flere måter? Altså for eksempel samme skjørt kan brukes til fest og hverdag.. Elsker stilen din, men jeg velger alt for ofte plagg med detaljer, som igjen gjør det vanskelig å sette sammen antrekk.
Haha, litt vanskelig forklart, men håper du skjønner :-D
Uansett, elsker bloggen din!
Klem <3
Skjørtet er gammelt fra Asos og solbrillene fra D&G :) Ja det kan jeg helt sikkert gjøre :D Stor klem <3