Hi angels♥ Are you girls ready for a new week? I’m super duper ready, I’ve been looking forward to my friends coming home from their vacays for so long! I just got back from a lunch meeting, and I’m soo tired. My boyfriend and I are completely hooked on White Collar, and last night we simply couldn’t stop watching, it was so exciting! We ended up finding the bed around 6am, and a couple of hours later it was rise and shine time. I’m such a tv show-addict, once we start watching a new series I have no problem watching 5-6 episodes in a row. If it gets really late and I just have to see one more episode, and my boyfriend refuses and wants to go to bed, I always bribe him with massages during the last episode, haha. It works every time!
This is my look today. I had totally forgotten about this dress, so I was so excited when I found it hidden in my closet this morning. Excuse the tired face, I blame White Collar!
I tried to take some closeups as well with the self timer, and just as the picture was taken I sneezed. I have never seen a funnier picture of myself, I laughed for like an hour, haha. Not quite blog material, but I think I need to frame it and keep it in the house as it cracks me up completely. Now I’m about to head out in the sun with my sketchbook and start doodling a bit for a new project. It feels so good to be a little creative! I hope you’re all having a lovely day♥
Such a sweet dress – You look amazing!
Have a great week! <3
Skjønneste kjolen jeg har sett på lange tider! Og med ditt hår, ansikt, og din kropp, ble det en supersøt kombo :)
Håper dagen din er fin!
Hvor er kjolen fra? Nydelig!
Oh you look so cute! Where is the dress from? I need the same :)
Haha, du er så søt! Og jeg syns du kler sideskill så godt, du burde gå med det oftere! :)
How cute! ^^
The most funniest blogger ever! Love ur style and creativity… I am very happy to read ur posts. Thanks for that. :) hugs from Denmark.
Hvor er kjolen fra? <3
Haha, der er vi ganske like! White Collar er en veldig bra serie :-) Kjolen var nydelig, og du så bare supernydelig ut!! Elsker bildene :-) Og hahah, kan nesten se for meg bildet, har noen sånne selv. Likte ideen om å ramme det inn og henge det opp, haha!
Så utrolig søt kjole!! :)
Nydelig kjole :D
Takk :)
Tuusen takk skjønning :)
Merket er Sugarhill Boutique, fant den på Asos :)
Thank you so much sweetie :)
Takk søta :)
Thank you :) The brand is Sugarhill Boutique. I found it at Asos, but it’s sold out :/
Sugarhill Boutique/Asos, men utsolgt :/
Åh du er så skjønn! Takk søting <3
Thank you so much :*
Hvor er koppen fra? Kjempe fin:)
Jeg fant den på Traktøren :)
For en kjole! Må være den fineste jeg har sett på lenge!
Så utroolig søt kjole ;-)
Klar og raffinert, søte skjørt, skjørt bak god sexy!