Hi lovelies! Good news! You know the dog that ran into the woods yesterday? I was almost sure that it ran away to die, as animals often seek shelter in a dark place when they feel like the end is near.. But luckily, the man who helpes us yesterday found it after we left, and the dog was reuinted with its owner <3 I was so happy that they at least got one of their dogs back.. And I'm so sorry about the other one :( Anyways, I'm off to run a few errands! I need to buy lots of wine and tapas ingredients for Saturday, then I have soo much cleaning and organizing to do! I haven't gotten started on my walkin closet yet, and jeez, that's gonna be a project.. After that I'm meeting up with Ulrikke for a trip to the movies :) Have a great day sweeties <3
Vakre venn, du er alltid s
Vakkre vakkre menneske! Fint bilde av deg… kan jeg sp
I’m in love with your jacket. Hate that I promised myself to have shoppingfree october
You look beautiful sweetie and your coat is amazing! :*:*
Check my Blog http://alittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/
and on-line store http://shopalittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ !! :)
Bra at de fant hunden da.:)
Huff, s
Jeg er daglig inn p
likte festen av pepsi max som st
Haha :D
Hehehe.. Hadde nettopp handlet skj
Den er ganske vid! :) Jeg har str S, s
Vi skulle se tree of life, men droppet kino :) Klem
Vi skulle se Tree of Life, men droppet kino :) :)
Romwe.com :D Linket i innlegg under :) takk <3 3<
Du er veldig grei som svarer alle dine lesere.
Capen er sikkert litt vid ja, men den s
Trist sak, men bra det var noenlunde ok da.
Ha en fin dag du og!
..Hadde jeg bodd i Bergen kunne jeg hjulpet deg med ryddinga.