Good morning lovebugs! Luckily yesterday was a far better day than the day before. No blood, no hospitals and no tears, yay!! Haha. We walked around in Kensington, but it’s so freezing here so when it started raining and snowing all at once, we headed to the huge shopping mall Westfields for a few hours. I’ve shopped a lot here in London, but everything I’ve bought has been from either Zara or Topshop, haha. My fave stores!! Last night we went to Hakkasan in Mayfair for a three course dinner, and words can’t even describe how amazing it was. The interior, the atmosphere, the staff, the food.. I want to go back immediately, if not sooner! I had fried lamb in a spicy peanut sauce as an appetizer, chicken in satay sauce as the main course and a heavenly hazelnut ice cream with crispy hazelnuts and chocolate sauce for dessert. Everything was just sooo good! I think this must be one of my favorite restaurants of all time. So if you’re ever in London, skip Sketch and go to Hakkasan like every day.
The other people who dined there were so cool and stylish, so people watching between the courses was loads of fun. We actually sat right next to a super famous soccer player all night, which was funny because we’re actually headed to a soccer match today! Helene is a huge Chelsea supporter, and I love soccer myself, both playing and watching, so we’re soo excited!! Before that we’re off to Camden to look around as so many of you told me we should go, hope it’s as good as you said, I can’t wait! Here’s a peek on last night’s look, more pics are coming when I have time. Have a wonderful day lovelies♥
Hakkasan.. Taken into notes..
Hope you’re enjoying yourself in marvelous London! You look amazing :D
Så kjekt :)
Hvor er buksen fra? :)
I was there the last year and is awsome!!!
You need to go All saints..
Where is the pants?
You look stunning !!
xoxo from spain!!
Wow. Now there’s a new header pic.
Så bra at middagen var mer vellykket enn på Sketch! Kjempestilig outfit forresten :)
Im so glad you like Hakkasan – my favourite restaurant! Hope the rest of your stay goeswell and that you have lots of fun! But please dont talk about ‘Soccer’, youre in England baby, and here its Football! Enjoy!
AHHHH så bra du dro dit!! *Det BESTE!!*
Hvordan var prisene på Hakkasan? :)
Littegrann stive men helt overkommelige :)
Jaa :D
Thank you sweetie. Oh haha sorry, didn’t even think about that!
Yes love All saints :) They’re from Zara.
Zara :)
Thank you :)
Which football player was that? :)
Are they from new season?
I didn`t find at…
I think so :)
Hei! Må først bare si at jeg elsker bloggen din, den er utrolig inspirerende :) så til sprørsmålet mitt:
Jeg husker at for en stund siden la du ut et innlegg om kroppsfasongen din og hva du syntes passet best for kroppen din osv. Da sto det at du ikke anbefalte å gå for bukser med print og mønster på. Du skrev også at du likte veldig godt å gå med skjørt. Hva har fått deg til å begynne å bruke smale bukser og print nå? Føler du deg mer komfortabel i det enn du gjorde før?
PS: Du ser fantastisk ut uansett hva du går med :)
Hey! I love the photography you use on your blog! What type of camera and settings do you typically use? I love the lighting and everything about the picture in this post! Gorgeous!
Thank you, I use Canon 5D Mark II, and I use manual settings :)
Har såååå lyst til å prøve Hakkasan når jeg reiser til London i april! hvor mye betalte du ca der?:) du ser smashing ut foresten
Det mååå du!! :) Jeg husker ikke akkurat hva jeg betalte, men lurer på om det ble 60 pund. Da hadde jeg forret, hovedrett, dessert og vin, man kan jo gjøre det billigere selvfølgelig :) Klem
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