Coat: Flattop // Jeans: Asos // Heels: Notion 1.3 // Bag: Alexander Wang // Shirt: Zara
Hi sweets! I just got home from a lovely day with my bestie Amalie. We hit the mall and I got some travel necessities for my upcoming trips, which are going to be so awesome. Is there anything better than having a trip to look forward to? I think not. It’s always good to have something in the near future which gives you butterflies in your stomach. Other than that, my outfit was pretty simple today. I love how well this bag and heels work together, they match perfectly. And do you notice how I’m not wearing any sunnies? Hah. I know I wear sunnies way too often in outfit pictures. The thing is that I have such sensitive eyes, so they always just get red and I have to close them every two seconds. So sunnies is always the best option. However, one of my new years resolutions for the blog is to keep the appearance of sunnies to a minimum. Now I’m about to make a yummy chicken salad for me and my man, then a night of packing is on the agenda. Wishing everyone a fantastic evening♥
åh, så fine bilder! og finfin kåpe !
Når avsluttes eskada konkurransen?
Nydelige deg – må jo ha solbriller her jeg sitter, for du stråler! <3
Så utrolig pen kåpe :D Håper du har en fin uke :)
Herlig antrekk :)
PS! Et lite tips:
Keeping up with the Kardashians sesing 9 begynte i går ;)
Takk :) Jeg veet, jeg er så frustrert for jeg får ikke tid til å se det før jeg reiser :´( Men takk for tips :)
Takk søting, samme til deg :)
Åh du er så søt!! Takk det samme kjære deg <3
Takk søting :)
Hei! Fine bilder :)
Ville egentlig bare si ifra at det ligger noen bilder ute på av deg, der en person selger noen klær. Ville bare gi beskjed sånn tilfelle du ikke synes noe om det.
Hei! Fine bilder :)
Ville egentlig bare si ifra at det ligger noen bilder ute på av deg, der en person selger noen klær. Ville bare gi beskjed sånn tilfelle du ikke synes noe om det.
Åå, så fint! Har du link til jakken?
So beautiful! Love the coat and the pictures are amazing! :)
xx Su
So in love with this outfit!
Så fint antrekk!:) Elsket kåpen :)
Wow! For noen utrolig fine bilder dette var av deg :D Du stråler!
Kjempefine bilder, virkelig altsa ! :)
Tusen takk :)
Tusen hjertelig takk, så snill du er :) <3
Takk, elsker den selv :)
Thanks :)
Thank you sweetie <3
Takk :) Nei dessverre, jeg kjøpte den i september :)
Hei, tusen takk for tipset! Jeg liker ikke det så godt nei, skal maile de :) Klem
Hey dear, greyscale is great for bondies. I like your boots, but I think I told U that few times :D Ha ha.
If it is not rude, I would ask you how much did you paid for Chanel bags that U like the most? :)
Have a great night and also a great trip.
Bon voyage :D
Bare hyggelig! :)
Thanks sweetie :) The camel one was around $3000, and the black one I don’t really remember, but it was a lot cheaper :)
hvorfor poste i mitt instagram navn? Du kan jo spørre ho selv om du lurer.
I love tje coat on you! Looks so lovely❤️
looove this jacket – such a fab colour and loving the pics lately! Going to make the steak tomorrow night – excited – I’m hungry just thinking about it x
Thank you :)
Thank you so much, I’m glad to hear it :) :)
Du er så nydelig Cathrine! :)
Tusent takk søte <3