Hi superstars! I just got home, after being with family all day. The first half of the day with my man’s fam, and the second half with mine. In other words – very little time for blogging, so a few iPhone selfies will just have to do right now..
I just wanted to pop by and wish you an amazing evening, whether you’re going out like me or just chilling at home. I’m wearing a jumpsuit from Zara, and letting my new necklace make a little bling statement around my neck (You can find it here). I’m being picked up in like two minutes, and I can’t wait to spend time with the girls tonight! Finally we’re all home at the same time, and I’m ready for lots of laughter and catching up. Have a great night sweeties♥
Love your necklace! You look great
Så fin du er :-) Håper du hadde en kjempefin kveld :-)
Takk søte, det hadde vi :)
Thanks sweetie :)
Jeg bor i Oslo for tiden, og fikk meg en overraskelse da jeg gikk forbi Walk-In Closet på Bislet og så CathInTheCity utstillingen i vinduet! Det er så utrolig gøy å se hvor bra du gjør det, Cathrine :) Du er så flink og nydelig! :)
Klem fra Conny
Åå, så hyggelig å høre fra deg Conny :) Tusen takk søte du! Håper vi sees snart, og at alt står bra til med deg og familien :) Stor klem <3