One of the things I think is most important for young women to be aware of, is the importance of building each other up, in stead of dragging each other down. To be there for other girls who need guidance and advice can make a huge difference! And of course, what comes around goes around, maybe some day you’re in need of advice or encouragement, and there’s no better feeling than knowing that you have girls ready to build you up again. Having good girlfriends to talk to when you have a question and need advice is gold, but sometimes sharing your insecurities or questions can be uncomfortable with friends. Therefore I love the new initiative Girls1st from Libresse! Here you can communicate with other girls in total anonymity, share your experiences, ask for advice both from the other members of the site, and from experts, amongst other things..
Firstipedia is a place where you can share your experiences on your big first times; The first kiss, the first job, the first time you had sex, the first relationship etc. At Firstipedia you can find lots of information, videos and read other members’ stories.
At the forum you can discuss whatever you want, everything from sex and relationships to school and work. This is a perfect place to get things off your chest that you’re not comfortable with sharing with your friends. Over ten thousand other members are ready to join in to the conversation! I was actually extremely active on forums when I was a teenager, but I don’t dare to tell anyone which one in case someone manages to track it up, haha. I thought it was so nice to have a place to communicate with other girls in total anonymity. And that is just what you can do here :)
Check out Girls1st and become a member HERE♥
Hei Cath!
Jeg har fulgt bloggen din siden starten, og jeg bare ELSKER den! Stilen din er fantastisk, du klarer alltid å se classy og smashing ut, og derfor lurte jeg på om du kan lage et innlegg med inspirasjon til party-tøy? Du har jo så mange fine bilder av klær du bruker til hverdags, men jeg finner det litt vanskelig å kle meg både praktisk, classy & FAB på byen, hvertfall nå som vi går mot kaldere tidere.
Keep up the good work <3
Klem fra Kristine
Hei Kristine :) Jeg er helt enig, jeg syns det er såå vanskelig å kle meg for byen! Før var jeg veeeldig dressed up, men nå går vi bare på litt mer chill steder, så jeg vet aldri helt hva jeg skal ha på meg :S Men jeg kan absolutt få til et slikt innlegg :) Takk for fine ord <3 Klem
This is very cool! We need more sites/forums like this! Thanks for sharing! I am following you with Blog Lovin! I hope you’ll connect with me, as well!
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