Today’s look: Coat: Here //Bag: Alexander Wang // Heels: Topshop // Sunnies: Here
Hi lovelies♥ I hope you’ve all had a wonderful day! I’ve spent mine with sweet friends and I just finished a little DIY project for the house, I’ll show you the result tomorrow :) I feel like my blogging is pretty uninspiring right now, I don’t know what’s going on but I’m not really myself at the moment. Of course I’ll have a bad day from time to time like everyone else, but I usually don’t have them for weeks like now! I’m usually such a happy person, I don’t know what’s going on.. Luckily I know I have the best readers in the world, and I hope you’ll forgive me for not so good blog days :) Soon I’m in New York, and if that doesn’t lift my spirits, I don’t know what will! Two days from now when we’re sitting in our hotel in the Meatpacking District, enjoying the view over Manhattan over a glass of wine, I’m sure I’ll be all smiles and feel like rainbows and unicorns are surrounding me :)
Katrine says
For en fantastisk jakke, den elsket jeg! Jeg forstår deg veldig godt der. Man kan ikke alltid være like bra på bloggfronten og vi alle har noen dårlige dager, sånn er det bare. Men det kommer skal du se og vi lesere har tålmodighet og forstår deg! Ihvertfall jeg gjør det :-D
aina says
den jakken er utrolig fin. har tenkt å bestille den selv, og lurte på hvilken størrelse du har den i?
Emma says
This might be something you want to consider:
ow-carb dieters are susceptible to mood swings, according to MIT researchers. The issue involves serotonin, the “feel good” brain chemical that elevates mood, suppresses appetite and acts as a natural tranquilizer.
In news released earlier this year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center reported that a lack of dietary carbohydrates causes the brain to stop regulating serotonin. Researchers discovered that serotonin is naturally produced only after consumption of carbohydrates in the form of sweets and starches.
In the 1970’s, MIT professor Richard Wurtman and colleagues first showed that eating carbohydrates raises brain serotonin levels. Since then, additional studies at MIT, including those by Dr. Judith J. Wurtman, have explored the relationship between carbohydrates in the brain and their connection to mood and weight loss. Dr. Wurtman states in a February MIT press release that “When serotonin is made and becomes active in your brain, its effect on your appetite is to make you feel full before your stomach is stuffed and stretched.” The researchers explain that people may still feel hungry after eating a large steak-their stomachs may be full but their brains may not be producing enough serotonin to shut off their appetites.
It’s not unusual for people who are changing their eating patterns or embarking on any kind of diet to experience episodes of irritability. However, according to Psychology Today, many who are trying testing low-carbohydrate regimens are reporting unusually high feelings of anger, tension and depression. Dr. Wurtman claims that that it’s a very well documented response-she calls it the “Atkins attitude”. Dieters who have eliminated or reduced dietary carbohydrates may find that their low mood is combined with irritability if the diet is heavy on protein, and/or combined with a lack of energy if the diet is heavy on saturated fats.
Are certain people more susceptible to low mood? According to Wurtman, some people are “carbohydrate cravers” — they tend to experience a change in their mood, usually in the late afternoon or early evening — and they need to eat a certain amount of carbohydrates to keep their moods steady. And although both men and women can experience low mood when cutting carbs, women are more likely to feel the effects because they are known to have typically lower levels of serotonin in their brains than men.
Because of her research, Wurtman believes that low-carb diets may be dangerous for individuals who are already struggling with depression or bipolar disorder. In an Oxford study involving women, researchers did find that those who had a predisposition to mood disorders exhibited a measurable drop in mood when following a low-carb regimen, but reported that other subjects on the diet did not seem to be impacted.
Of course, the pharmaceutical solution to depression and mood disorders is the use of antidepressant drugs. These are designed to help regulate mood by keeping serotonin production active in the brain for extended periods, accomplished via an unnatural mechanism that prevents the cellular reuptake of the brain chemical (which is why most of these medications are known as “SSRIs”, for “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors”). St. Johns Wort is a popular herbal solution that also mimics the unnatural mechanism of SSRIs because the herb’s active ingredient, hypericin, increases circulating levels of serotonin by also selectively preventing its cellular reuptake.
There are natural alternatives that can assist in regulating mood by playing a similar role as carbohydrates in serotonin production. Low-carb dieters who are experiencing low mood might consider taking specific vitamins that are known to help boost serotonin naturally. Important nutrients like selenium, several B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin, etc.), and vitamin D have been shown to help increase the enzyme supply that converts certain amino acids into serotonin.
cathrineheienberg says
8 har jeg :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk søte :)<3
Emily says
Det er kanskje luften her i Bergen, jeg og har det sånn, haha! Håper du føler deg bedre snart:) Hils NY xx
EvaC says
Tenkte også å minne deg på å ta D-vitamin nå som du har lagt om til lchf. :)
Kristin says
Synes du er superflink til å ha en litt down-periode, jeg! Digger bloggen din, og kan ikke vente til du skriver fra NY :D
constance says
De siste året har jeg levd med en mor med alvorlig sykdom, for så å miste henne for noen uker siden. Livet mitt er i grus og familien min og jeg må starte på nytt, uten mamma. Jeg har mistet min mentor, min venninnde, min psykolog, min helt, min mamma. For 8 måneder siden mistet jeg min kjæreste og mitt hus.
Dette er mitt liv….. Se deg rundt, så på alt du har og alle menneskene rundt deg. Du er mer enn priviligert. Vær takknemlig, du vet aldri hvilken morgen du våkner opp, og mister alt du er glad i, og som betyr mest for deg i hele verden.
cathrineheienberg says
Helt forferdelig å høre alt du har gått igjennom! Jeg kan ikke engang tenke meg smerten du må føle inni deg. Kondolerer så mye! Selvsagt kan ikke mine problemer og bekymringer sammenlignes med dine, det har jeg aldri sagt heller. Jeg vet jeg er priveligert. Likevel, når man føler at man ikke har det bra syns jeg man skal ta det på alvor, uansett. Dere ser jo bare et pittelite utsnitt av livet mitt på bloggen, og min lykke måles ikke i fine klær eller et gratis par sko her og der.. Poenget mitt er at situasjonene våre ikke kan sammenlignes og du har all min medfølelse, men jeg må likevel få lov til å ta det på alvor når jeg føler at jeg ikke er meg selv og at noe er galt.. Stor klem til deg!<3
cathrineheienberg says
Takk søte du<3
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg har faktisk akkurat begynt å ta det etter tips fra pappa! Det tar visst ca 3 mnd før det har full virkning, men jeg er ihvertfall i gang :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk det samme :)
Elisejb says
Er helt enig med deg Cathrine! Utrolig leit å høre at du har det sånn. Vet hvordan det kan føles, når det går over tid. Håper du finner ut av det og at ting blir lysere snart <3 Plutselig er du helt deg selv igjen :-) Dessuten synes jeg du har vært flink med bloggingen tross det som plager deg, men vi lesere har full forståelse at det kan gå utover bloggen. Det viktigste er at du har det bra! Klem til deg!
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk skjønne du<3 Stor klem tilbake<3
Heather says
Love this pattern! You look amaze:)
Silvia says
aww sweetie, i hope those unicorns and rainbows come and join you soon! it’s crazy though, because even when you say you’ve been feeling down, your blog continues to be so bright and uplifting. reading it always gives me inspiration <3 <3 stor klem xx
ida says
wow vilken tok snygg jacka !
nora says
Håper du føler deg bedre snart, søte deg !<3
Anna says
Don’t worry Cath ! no matter which mood you have – you’re blogs stays inspiring ! I hope that you feel better and happier very soon and i’m sure u will – at the latest when you’re surrounded by all this inspiring people and places in new york . i’ve never been there but after all your stories i’m sure it’s such a cool city and i want to go there as soon as possible !
all i wanted to say is that we know that you’re a human like all of us and don’t have to feel sorry when you have a bad mood ! kisses & hugs from germany ♥
MaritBE says
Sååå kult ;-) Du kler virkelig alt ;-)
Therese says
Har du tenkt noe rundt dette med at du føler deg litt nedenfor kan være en reaksjon på den ubehagelige opplevelsen du og Ulrikke hadde? Slike opplevelser kan jo gi reaksjoner i lang tid etterpå.. Trenger selfølgelig ikke ha noe med dette å gjøre, men kanskje verdt å reflektere litt rundt.. Sender deg mange varme klemmer :)
therese says
Utrolig fint antrekk! Jeg håper du får det bedre i New York, gleder meg til å lese om oppholdet:)
Luisa Fernanda del Mar says
Oi, utrolig kul jakke!
cathrineheienberg says
Takk søte :)
cathrineheienberg says
cathrineheienberg says
Jeg tror egentlig ikke det, jeg tenker aldri på det :S Tusen takk<3
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much sweetiepie<3<3
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you so much sweetie :) <3