I had so much fun looking through all the pictures we took, what an amazing weekend! As you know I wasn’t planning on snowboarding as I haven’t done it in four-five years, and I didn’t want to slow the others down.. I ended up borrowing clothes from Monica, renting a snowboard and had soo much fun! I got the hang of it pretty quickly, and I only fell on my face once! The evenings were spent with lots of good food, wine, laughter and after ski in fabulous company.
It was freeeezing though, -20 degrees! So that’s why I look so unhappy on the picture to the right, haha. Freezing and hungover. Isn’t Monica’s apartment on Geilo adorable by the way? She’s an interior architect, and has the best taste. I wish I could show you the rest of the place, but I forgot to take more pictures, bah. I just love the picture of me and the paramedic, haha. I got the worst blister from the shoes I rented, and I asked Monica if she knew where I could get a bandade. She was like “Stay right there, I’m coming”, and then she arrives with paramedics. For a blister! Haha, embarrassing. All in all, a fantastic girls’ trip!♥
Chris says
Wow, those pictures look beyond amazing, how beautiful norway is! No wonder you had such a great weekend :) merry christmas! <3
Mira says
Ser ut som en herlig tur! :)
Christine says
Geilo ser helt fantastisk ut! Men du, bruker du noen spesielle apps når du tar bilder/redigerer bilder med tlf? :)
cathrineheienberg says
Camera+ :)
cathrineheienberg says
I’m glad you liked them, Norway is gorgeous! :) Thank you, same to you<3
em says
Nydelige bilder! Håper du hadde en fantastisk tur! :)
Ragnhild :) says
Ser bare mer enn herlig ut :D jeg har prøvd å stå på snowboard noen ganger jeg også, men ender opp på bakken hver gang. Får holde meg til carving jeg! ;p
Bare et spørsmål…det er jo velkjent at vintrene er mye mildere på kysten, mens det på f.eks hedmarken er det mye kaldere. Vi har bestandig noen perioder om vinteren med sprengkulde. Hvordan er det å komme fra et kystområde og så oppleve den kulda? Er det et lite kuldesjokk? Jeg er hedmarking, men synes den kulda er like forferdelig hver eneste gang :p
Fernanda says
This looks fantastic!! It’s my dream going to northern Europe! Your photos look kind of surreal to me right now – I live in southern Brazil and it’s too warm right now, -20 right now sounds awesome to me! ahahah Snowboarding must be so much fun, but when I had the chance to do it I kind of chickened out!
cathrineheienberg says
I hope you get to visit some day :) Snowboarding is so much fun, you have to try it! I’m jealous of your warm weather :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi, er litt sånn i begynnelsen, men så kommer man inn i det etter litt øving :) Jeg syns faktisk ikke det var så ille på lørdagen når det var -20. På søndagen var det “bare” -8, men det blåste og snødde og var skikkelig surt, det var mye verre enn -20 :p Og surt vær er jeg jo vant til :) Bare kle godt på deg skjønning!
cathrineheienberg says
Takk det hadde jeg :D
Janine says
Amazing photos, looks like you had a fabulous time!! That is funny about the paramedics, at least you were in good hands lol.
By the way I added you as my top blog on my ‘Blogs I love’ list on my blog (yes, I finally started one haha) I hope that is ok to link you? I am still learning all this blogging etiquette so forgive me if I was supposed to ask first?
Janine xx
cathrineheienberg says
Haha I know, nice to be taken good care of. Oh, thank you so much! You are so sweet, of course that’s okay<3 Good luck with blogging :D
Hanne says
Så flotte bilder. Nå fikk jeg også lyst til å gå på ski :D Håper du får en fin dag :)
Julie says
Utrolig fine bilder, selv om de er tatt med mobilkameraet! Elsker å være på Geilo, stemningen der er bare magisk!
Marte F says
For noen kjempefine bilder! :) så ut som om du har hatt det helt topp! Jeg kjenner jeg grugleder meg til å komme hjem til Norge på søndag. Gleder meg til jul og det som følger med, men gruer meg til 15 minusgrader når jeg er vant med 30 pluss! :p
Talisa says
Looks like you had an amazing weekend! I love how you even manage to look stylish in the snow! :-) xxx
Luisa says
Så flotte bilder! Ser ut som du hadde en veldig fin helg :)
cathrineheienberg says
Ah, thank you! I didn’t feel stylish at all haha, so that’s nice to hear :) xx
Maria says
Så fin dunjakke du har? Hvilket merke er det? Lenge siden du har kjøpt den og hvor? :-)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk, er fra Zara :) Kjøpte den i NY :)