Hi sweeties♥ Sorry for slow updates today, I’ve been so sick! We went out last night, but it’s not like a hangover, I’ve just been throwing up nonstop and shivered like crazy all day. So awful! I just managed to eat something and feel a bit better, so hopefully I’ll be fine by tomorrow. The bright side to the day was that my new shoes arrived, yay! While shopping in London and New York earlier this year, I was constantly on the lookouts for new sandals. I couldn’t find the perfectly basic ones I pictured in my head before now..
I just love this style to light summer dresses. These tan ones are sold out, but I just saw that they’re available in black too. You can find them here.
I also got these for going out, I really needed some nude party heels. They’re so comfortable to walk in because of the platform!
Can be found here.
Now I’m just gonna head to bed and cross my fingers that this was just a one day sickness. Have a great night sweets♥
Herre! Pumpsen er helt nydelig!!!
I knoow<3
love these shoes, they’re amazing adore the heels the most
xx ish
I found the tan ones on the Danish SmartGirl, if anyone might want them instead of the black ones. Thanks for the tip on the sandals, Cathrine! I ordered a pair and I’m very exited to wear them.
Thank you for an amazing blog!
Love from Denmark
Thanks for the tip, and no problem<3<3
De sandalene kan du også finne på økonomisko :D I tønsberg har de hvertfall hatt de i fjor og året før der igjen :)
Ååh, de beige pumpsene var helt nydelige! kunne du tatt et bilde å vist oss hvordan de ser ut på? :-) ser litt annerledes ut på nelly.com! er de like “lyse” i virkeligheten som på nettsiden?
Det kommer garantert i et antrekksinnlegg snart, de er jo så fine :) De er ganske lyse ja :)
Jeg elsker sandaler! Fine sko begge to ;-)