“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”
A quote I just love, and try to live by. Ordering ostrich at a restaurant is so far out of my comfort zone, almost out there with octopus and snails. It just seems.. Weird! But trust me on this one, the ostrich was one of the best meals I’ve ever had! The meat was just so tender, tasteful and insanely good! I’m getting a watery mouth just thinking about it. Here in Africa I’m definitely keeping that quote in mind, I want to experience as many cool things as possible. If we find the time, we’re actually going home to an African family and cook with them, and they will teach us traditional dishes. How cool is that?!
The restaurant we went to on Sunday, called Five, is probably the coolest restaurant I’ve ever been to. As always, here’s lots of pictures;
My gorgeous bestie, Tonje<3
Retro interior, so cool!
The heavenly chocolate fondant we had for dessert, YUM!!
They even had a movie room upstairs! Restaurants in Bergen, take notes!!
Kan ikke du skrive noe om hva Tonje gjør på i Sør-Afrika?? :)
Utveksling :)
Åhh ser ut som en utrolig kul restaurant! Sør-Afrika virker helt fantastisk :) (selv om jeg fremdeles synes det er et skummelt sted, sikkert greit å kjenne noen som bor der som vet hvor man kan ferdes) Struts hørtes noe spesielt ut, men morsomt at du faktisk likte det også :)
Ser ut som du har det veldig spennende! Lurer på hvilken linse du har på kameraet ditt? Kult med vidvinkel bilder :)
Jeg vet dessverre ikke, låner den av kjæresten til søsteren min, skal spørre han hva den heter når jeg kommer hjem :)
Hvor i Cape Town ligger resturanten? skal til Cape Town om noen måneder så kanskje jeg skulle ha prøvd den ut :)
Cape Town er en fantastisk by! Håper du nyter den. Hvis du har lyst på god sushi der, så må dere gå på Beluga på Green Point. Nydelige lokaler i et gammelt industribygg, fantastiske drinker og hinsides god sushi. Prøv “Carins roll” og “Tuna Crunch” og “Blood Orange Coconut Mojito”. Half price på søndager! Oh, I wanna go back! Kos deg.
Tusen takk for tips :) :)
Den er i Stellenbosch :) Klem
hey cath:) I’ve just seen that you recommend asking questions here
so here is mine;)
I thought about going to new york next year, and I wanted to ask you where you lived while you were over there?
in a hotel? appartement; how did you find it? I would really appreciate some info, thanks a lot!
xx claude
btw the pics look amazing! keep going you rock!