My absolute favorite bags nowadays are these two amazing bags from Moo. For everyday life I always grab the smaller one, it goes with everything and has just enough room for all my necessities. For traveling, sleepovers or just whenever I need to bring stuff like my big camera and laptop, the big one is perfect. The quality is impeccable and the leather is so soft. I’m so proud of working with this brand!! New collaboration pieces are coming late this fall, but a Moo giveaway is just around the corner :)
Right now I can’t remember the name of the smaller bag, but I’ll try to find out. The big one isn’t in stores yet, it comes out next month and it’s called Malala Mama. The gorgeous beige color is called Crudo :)
Other than that I just got back from a cosy birthday lunch with Amalie, and lots of playing in the garden with Bella and Amalie’s son. In a bit my cousin Fride is coming over for a little slumber party, just what I need after last night out. I’m never able to go out two nights in a row, all I want to do is cuddle up in the couch in my pajamas and watch movies and eat popcorn. Fride nearly got a heart attack when I said that I’ve never seen “The Notebook”, so I guess I need to do something about that tonight. Hope you’re all having a wonderful day♥
OMG you almost gave me a heart attack,you have to see Notebook ,it’s life changing movie,but only if noone told you what it is about :) have a great day ,love your post :)
A couple of weeks ago I had never seen it eather… buuut luckily i did..adorable movie!
ps love your blog! You’re adorable too :)
hugs from iceland
Det skjønner jeg godt, for de er helt fantastisk fine begge to <3 Har sett på den minste der flere ganger, den er sååå fin!
Jaa elsker den :)
Thank you so much sweetie :)
Haha I knoow I have to see it!! :) Thank you <3
Så gøy at du så ofte får til sleepovers med venninner! :) Men hvor oppholder kjæresten seg? Han er vel neppe hjemme?
Ja veldig :) Denne helgen er han på hyttetur med kompiser, så når han skal vekk/sove hos kompiser inviterer jeg alltid til sleepover siden jeg er så redd for å være hjemme alene ;p
I love your blog. I have been reading it for almost a year now :) thankyou for supplying my day! I would be even happier to know where I can find your bag (the small one on you picture) I just love it! Love Katrine Denmark
Thank you so much for your sweet comment :) It’s sold out on Moo’s web store, but you could try :) Love