In the time that we live in, where we share everything and anything with everyone and anyone via social media, it can be fun to have a few tools to make the snapshots extra pretty. Instagram has gone through big changes since the start, but one thing that buzzes me is why they haven’t added more filters for the pictures. I usually only use Amaro or Valencia, I wish there were more to choose from! Luckily there are tons of great photo editing apps out there, and I thought I’d share my top three favorites.
Camera+ is an all time favorite. This app has pretty much everything. You can add different scenes and filters to your photos, and you have so many to choose from. In addition you can use this app to crop, mirror and add text to pictures. You can choose how strong the appearance of the filters should be, which is great. Big thumbs up for this one!
PicFX is the app with the most filters on my phone. Most of them are too noisy for me, but there are a few great ones. The filters are divided into categories like vintage looks, urban looks and classic looks. You can add different filters on top of each other, and here you can choose how strong the filter effect should be as well. My favorite filter is under the Urban category, and is called Enhance. It makes the pictures lighter and brighter. There is also a great selection of bokeh effects which are always popular.
PicLab HD is new to me, but I love it! Here you have a selection of great filters and photo editing tools like adjusting the light and contrast, but most importantly, it’s great for adding texts to your picture. There are a ton of different fonts to choose from, and you can easily adjust the size. You can add several different text boxs, contrary to the simpler app PicLab where you can only have one text box.
In addition to these, I like Whitagram if I want to post standing pictures to Instagram, and not crop them. PicFrame is great for making collages.
Do you have a great photo editing app to tips me about? Please share♥
Silje says
Dette er kanskje litt off topic, men jeg lurer sånn på hvor du bodde osv da du var i NY alene for første gang. Mener du nevnte det var et sted for bare kvinner. Har prøvd å bla meg litt tilbake i arkivene, men har ikke funnet noe enda.
Jeg begynte å studere i fjor høst, egentlig bare for å komme i gang med noe. Merker nå at det ble ganske feil, da jeg egentlig heller ville ut å reise. Kanskje det du gjorde i NY hadde vært noe for meg!
em says
Åh, jeg elsker å finne nye bildeapper! Det er så mange som har fine filter på IG og jeg finner aldri ut hvor de er ifra, haha. Jeg liker også A Big Mess, VSCO Cam og Afterlight :) Jeg bruker ikke de så ofte, men gøy å ha fordi!
Christine says
Line camera is awesome!
cathrineheienberg says
Yes I have that one too :)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips, må sjekke ut :)
cathrineheienberg says
Hei :) Jeg har skrevet et innlegg om det, det heter “how it all started”. En slik tur anbefales til tusen!! :) klem
kirsty says
i always wonder how ppl edit pics – thanks for sharing x
Ingrid says
Jeg har MANGE! Men noen favoritter er; phonto, afterlight, VSCOcam, Jittergram, Reflection og SquareadyV (hvite kanter til videoar!) Jeg har også Picfx, elsker den! :D
cathrineheienberg says
Oii så mange bra tips! Takk, skal laste ned :)
cathrineheienberg says
No problemo :)
Inger says
Takk for tipsene:) Jeg bruker ofte PicsArt som jeg syns er ganske bra.