Good morning loves! I thought I’d start the blog day by sharing my latest flower buy; Fake ones! Usually I really dislike falsies, but I actually think these look great! I’m obsessed with having flowers everywhere, which is a pretty expensive obsession when you have to buy new bouquets every two weeks. These fake hydrangeas were only 69kr a piece (I have three), and they’ll last for a whole eternity, as opposed to the two-three weeks the real ones last. Win! I got these at Kid Interiør, but I bet is full of these :)
Now it’s time to start the school day! Have a good one superstars♥
Maria says
Veldig fine. :) Du kan kjöpe hortensia i potte også, da får du ekte blomster som holder lenge. Min har blomstret helt siden i sommer!
anita says
So pretty, love the photos!
amelia says
Wonderful decoration :) Your wallet will be happy:D Kisses to sweetest Cathy :*** says
Jeg får de aaaldri til å vare jeg :O Enten drukner jeg de, ellers tørker de ut. Helt umulig!! Hvis du har noen gode tips til å ta vare på de tas de imot med stoor takk :) says
Thanks :) says
Haha yes very :) xx
Julie says
Ååå så fine, de må jeg kjøpe meg :) says
Go for it :)