Hi superstars. I’m so excited for you guys! Hah. I have so many fun giveaways coming up, from Nelly, Romwe.com, Beauty Wonderland ++. Nothing is more fun than to share all the perks of blogging with my loyal readers :) Other than that, I’m sort of stressed out nowadays, as big decicions needs to be made.. But I’ll figure it out… In the meanwhile, materialistic happiness will have to do, as pieces from Prada, Dolce&Gabbana ++ is waiting at the post office for me.. I’m also trying to plan the London trip, as I’m in charge of the whole trip! We only have two days, and I want to spend hours and hours at Topshop, my oldest sister wants to look at wedding dresses, my mom wants to buy every single Christmas present to everyone and my other sister.. Umm, I don’t know what she wants.. So if you have any London tips that would be great!! I’m thinking of spending a whole day in Oxford Street, but I’m unsure about the next day.. I’ve found loads of tips on this page, but bring it on lovelies! :)
Du m
HURRA HURRA HURRA.. gleder meg til det !;D
Westfields er kjempebra, de har alle kjedebutikkene + en del merkebutikker. Jeg ville ogs
For et vakkert bilde av deg !
Supert med mange konkurranser n
Jeg var i London n
Jeg anbefaler Westfield – et gigantisk kj
woho, glad du likte tipsene mine! :) Je har faktisk ikke v
Her er en shopping-guide jeg har skrevet: http://linda-mari.com/2011/01/09/shopping-i-london/ og her er en del andre tips: http://linda-mari.com/kategori/london-hot-spots/ .
London er fantastisk :-)
Jippi!!! S
Come visit me at the All Saints store in Notting hill, portobello road!! : D
Du m
Dra til Nothing Hill :) Kjempekoselig omr
Jeg m
Westfield shopping center p
Du m
Se en musikal p
Hadde S
Du b
Wow, utrulig fint bilde av deg Cathrine! You look smashing!! :)
Hei Cathrine! S
Du m
A restaurant called Zuma, http://zumarestaurant.com/.
Lykke til med avgj
Hvis du liker sushi er det en fantastisk sushi restaurant p
Hey Cath! I was actually going to ask you for a london guide! Haha, thank you!
Was wondering if you could make a london guide and tell how much you paid and what you did. I wouldn’t ever say no to a budget-friendly trip, he-he!
Some tips and maybe a hotel recommendation? If you were living at a 5-star hotel or a budget-friendly one? And eventually what you thought of it.
Haha, I’ve written alot as you can see, but just trying to be a good reader! :)
Love you, Cath <3
Elsker dette bildet!!! F
Om du vil holde deg i oxford street s
Whi, gleder meg !
.. Har ikke veldig peiling p
Ja, Westfield, Oxford Street, Notting Hill er bra. Men Neal Street, med sidegatene, i Covent Garden er den beste shoppinggata i hele London. Synes i allefall jeg da. I tillegg er Covent Garden det fineste og koseligste stedet i London, samme om det er v
Westfield Shepherds Bush is the place to go if you want to shop! – HEAVEN! http://uk.westfield.com/london
Hvis du er i London b
Jeg var p
Jeg var i London i sommer, og du M
Hi Cath! I am actually from London, and I think that Oxford and adjacent Regent Street is your best bet. Selfridges is a must and so is Topshop (early in the day) where the jewellery is just amazing. Your mum will like John Lewis and House of Fraser (visit the Mary Portas concession). And then head to Regent Street to go to Liberty’s and COS. I would avoid Westfied, it’s just a shopping centre! If you have more shopping time after that I would recommend Covent Garden where you can have amazing pastries and macaroons at Laduree in the piazza. And if you need any tips on where to eat I recently posted some advice on my blog.
I hope you enjoy London!
I love London! og her har de fantstisk sushi og drinker ;) anbefales :)
You should definitely go to Camden, the atmosphere is so great! And a musical is so worth it, if you got time! If you’d like a mall, check out Westfield. It’s freaky lots of people, but it’s pretty (and overpriced compared to Oxford Street) and if you’re up for sports and training, definitely check out Direct Sports there! Last, but not least, Primark is a must (you can actually find lots there, but go there EARLY – like 08.30! Ah, seriously missing London right now. Enjoy your trip, London is so awesome no matter what you end up doing! :)
Camden!!! N
I tillegg til Oxford og Regent street er Westfield garantert bra storshopping. I Camden, Notting Hill og Covent Garden er det mye koseligere
Har bodd i London og tips nr 1, holde deg unna oxfrod street..hehe
topshopen p
Dra til Camden marked! Jeg var kjempeskeptisk til
Tusen takk for tips!! :)
hvis du liker markeder er camden plassen
CAMDEN MARKET WITHOUT A DOUBT! I live just outside London and it’s by far my favourite place in this country.