I’ve been wanting to try the cleansing and detoxing juice program from Essentially for so long, and finally they deliver to Bergen! YAY! So this morning I went to pick up eighteen bottles of fresh, organic and super healthy juices, enough for three days. I’m not supposed to eat anything during this detox, so I’ve been sipping on yummy juices in different flavors all day..
To be honest I thought the juices, or at least the green juices, would taste horrible, as I’ve never liked any of the green juices I’ve made myself. Believe it or not, these were ridiculously tasty! Actually my favorite taste so far must be the Green Juice. I’m so excited to try the Cashew Milk though, it sounds heavenly. But first I have to finish the Red Roots which I’m sipping on now. Yum.
This detox is something I do for my wellbeing, sort of a rejuvenation for my whole body. The juices are packed with every vitamin and antioxidants you can think of, and they are 100% raw and vegan. After finishing the detox, I’ll have much more energy, feel fantastic and happy, and hopefully it will help on my skin which is not happy after flying too much last month. Up to 1,5kg of veggies go into one single bottle, which means that I’ll get the nutrition from up to 27kg of vegetables in only three days! If you’re curious about the cleanse you can check out Essentially’s FAQ page, I found it super useful.
Now that I’ve almost completed the first day, I’m actually shocked over how full I feel. Except for earlier this evening, which was torture. We were out to dinner with my boyfriend’s family at a Chinese restaurant, and I of course couldn’t eat anything, but I still wanted to come. I sat there and watched everyone dig into spring rolls, noodles, beef and all the Chinese dishes I love, and I was just sitting there sipping on water, hah. Torture!! But other than that, it has gone so well. I’ll update you when the cleanse is over with my experiences with the cleanse. I’m so excited I finally got to try this :)
Fernanda says
Ive been wanting to try a juice fast as well, ever since I watched the movie “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead”! Its a documentary about all the health benefits of juice cleanses, that it even helps heal some diseases. Its a really great motivational movie! Please update us on how you feel throughout and after your juice detox!! :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks for the tips, I need to check it out :)
veronika (CZ) says
So jelaous! I would like to try it but it hasn’t appeared in my country yet. Anyway it didn’t stop me and I bought many juices from fresh bar today. At least for one day…I hope I get “clean feeling” and stop with cheating! :-D I feel so weak when I saw some candies :-(:-D
cathrineheienberg says
Haha good luck sweetie :)
Kristin says
Så teit å skrive om dette. Dette kunne du holdt for deg selv. Hvorfor skal vi vite dette? Vet du hvor mange du påvirker? Det er jo allmennkunnskap at om du kun drikker juice tre dager på rad så vil du gå ned i vekt. Trenger ikke være rakettforsker for å forstå det. Hvorfor kan ikke folk bare ha et normalt kosthold og være fornøyd med seg selv? Verden er så syk.
Hedda Ingeborgvik says
Du er så flink med bloggen din! Fortjener virkelig all skryt du kan få :-D
cathrineheienberg says
Syns kommentaren din virker litt korttenkt. Hvis jeg ville slanket meg, tror du jeg hadde tenkt at tre dager med juice hadde gjort noen forskjell? Altså, tre dager er ingenting. Kanskje man går ned et par hundre gram, som kommer rett på igjen når man går over til sitt vanlige kosthold. Dette har ingenting med vekt å gjøre, og jeg tror de fleste leserne mine innser at tre dager med grønnsaksjuice ikke akkurat er noen slankekur. Det handler om å gi hele ‘systemet’ en liten pause, og fylle opp kroppen med massevis av vitaminer og sunne saker fra juicen. Jeg for min del gjør dette for å få mer energi, føle meg freshere og forhåpentligvis litt renere hud siden den er helt uttørket etter mye tid på fly de siste ukene. Etter å ha spist pizza og drukket vin hver dag i Miami, er vitaminene fra opp til 27kg grønnsaker veldig velkommen. Hvis jeg ville gått ned i vekt hadde jeg funnet på noe annet. Jeg syns ikke det er sykt :)
cathrineheienberg says
Så hyggelig! Takk det samme skjønne deg :)<3
MaritBE says
Det så skikkelig godt og fristende ut :-) Pass på å skylle med vann etter du har drukket juicen, og ikke puss tennene rett etter (vent minst 30 min). Juice er veldig skadelig for tennene. Evt. bruk sugerør, så det ikke skader SÅ mye :-) Hilsen tannpleieren, hehe.
cathrineheienberg says
Takk for tips, det skal jeg gjøre :)
Malin says
Kan man kun bestille disse produktene om man bor sør i Norge? Drammen, Oslo, Bergen o.l? Og hva koster en slik “kur”? Finner ingen opplysninger om dette.
cathrineheienberg says
Denne som jeg hadde kostet rett under 1500kr, for 18 juiceflasker. De leverer til Oslo, Bergen og Stavanger tror jeg. Hvis du går inn på hjemmesiden og begynner å legge inn en bestilling (du trenger ikke fullføre den) kommer info opp :)
Kaia says
Så kjekt at du skriver om dette – juicing er spennende! Jeg visste ikke at de leverer til Bergen. Takk for tips :)
cathrineheienberg says
Bare hyggelig :)